Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Albion 100 Years Ago - NOVEMBER 1917

Morning Star, October 29, 2017 P

We continue with our theme of "Albion 100 Years Ago." November 8, 1917. "Chief of Police Fred Hubbard was called yesterday to 708 N. Albion St. to settle a fight which had started and threatened to become a free-for-all. Several foreigners were quarreling and one arrest was made. Pete Cusick was arrested on a drunk charge." "Yesterday afternoon, Chief of Police Hubbard was called to a home on Austin Ave. by a colored man who said that his wife was entertaining another man, and that if he did not come, that he would shoot her."

November 9, 1917. "Concord Bank Robbed of $18,000. Early this morning the Farmers’ State Bank of Concord was broken into, the safe cracked, and $18,200 in gold coin and currency taken by a number of men who made their escape in autos. The whole robbery was the result of a well-planned night’s work and although it took at least three charges of nitroglycerine in blowing the safe open, the planning of the work showed that the men were not new to the game. The first blast of the explosive was heard by one of the residents of the village about 1:30 am. When he put his head out of the window to see what the trouble was, one of the guards who had been stationed on the corner told him to "put your head back or I’ll blow it off."

November 10, 1917. "Arthur H. Dew who has his winter supply of coal on hand for his green houses, wishes to announce that he has no coal to sell." "Lee Lou, better known in Albion as American Lee, proprietor of the American Lee Laundry on W. Cass St., has purchased…the Banner Laundry on W. Porter St."

November 14, 1917. "Night School Will Begin Next Month. Between 25-30 people answered the call of Superintendent L. W. Fast last evening and reported at the high school to take up the matter of conducting a night school as has been the custom in Albion for the past few years…Of the number present last evening 20 were colored people ranging in age from 16 to 40…There are a large number of the foreigners who work at the Gale and Malleable shops who also wish to take up the work."

November 15, 1917. "Clifton O. Ferguson of Albion, a belated colored man who was not ready to go with his comrades to Camp Custer October 31 because of an appeal pending in the district board, reported for service Tuesday and made his trip to camp. Mr. Ferguson claimed exemption because of the dependency of his mother who lived in Florida at the time but the board denied it on the grounds that he could take care of her as well at Camp Custer as in Albion."

November 19, 1917. "Seven rooms of the new Dalrymple School were occupied today by pupils but the formal opening of the building has been deferred until the wiring is installed and the lights and ventilator system is working. It is the intention of the board to then set an evening for a formal opening at which time the people may inspect the building."

November 23, 1917. "Albion coal mined north of the city at the Wolverine coal mine is finding a ready market in Battle Creek where the mayor is selling soft coal to the people from the city yards and using city teams and wagons to do the work."

"Albion’s brick factory which is owned and operated northwest of the city by Kirk Davis has closed for the winter and no more bricks will be made until spring when the plant will be opened again."

November 24, 1917. "War Fund Drive Starts Next Week. Every Home in Albion and Vicinity will be Visited in Campaign to Raise War Funds on a Monthly Basis. Workers Will Meet at Oyster Supper."

Read more Albion 100 Years Ago articles.

Next 100 Years Ago article: December, 1917


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