Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.
Morning Star, May 27, 2018, pg. 6 We continue with our theme of "Albion, 100 Years Ago."June 1, 1918: "Some time early this morning…robbers broke into the interurban station, and the plumbing shop of David Garrison on S. Ionia St. At the shop of Mr. Garrison, the intruders got away with about $80 worth of lead pipe and brass fittings." June 3, 1918. "Mrs. Sarah Austin of Albion who has been at the psychopathic ward in Ann Arbor taking treatment, was adjudged insane by Probate Judge Porter Saturday and ordered taken to the Kalamazoo State Hospital for treatment, her husband to pay $4.90 per week for her expense there.""Henry Hobus, who has been employed at the Gale Mfg. Co. for the past three years as biller, resigned his position Saturday night and will leave the latter part of this week for Washington, D.C. where he has accepted a position with the government in the War Department.""Registration of German alien women will start Monday, June 17." June 5, 1918: "James McGuire of Albion, has applied for the position of athletic director and instructor in baseball activities in military training camps." June 13, 1918: "Rae Corliss, who has been working in the H. M. Brown’s grocery, has taken a position with the Screen works and will begin his new duties next Monday.""Under the direction of H. J. Cortright, the boys of the Starr Commonwealth are working three war gardens on vacant lots on N. Berrien St." June 14, 1918. "Born to Mr. and Mrs. William Sauer, 825 S. Hannah St., June 8, a ten pound daughter, who has been named Marjorie Helen Sauer.""J. D. Torrey of the Torrey & Blaisdell clothing firm, has purchased the C. W. Rhinemiller home on Irwin Avenue." June 15, 1918, "Booze Raid in Homer Last Night. Two state inspectors led a booze raid on Homer last evening which netted a considerable quantity of liquor. One 50-gallon barrel and three 30-gallon barrels of wine were taken from the pool room of William Reichow and from the pool room of Walter Kennedy, a barrel of liquid which Mr. Kennedy claimed was vinegar but which the officers label wine, was taken." June 18, 1918: "Mrs. Herman Grundeman, Mechanic St., who has two sons with the colors, one in France and another at Camp Custer, had to register today as a German enemy alien but in doing so said that she was glad to do all in her power to help the land of her adoption." June 20, 1918: "Chief of Police F. J. Hubbard registered 14 female German enemy aliens yesterday and the rush was so great that his wife had to assist him during the day. A total of 32 have now been registered. So far Mrs. Wilhelmina Lohrke, Williams St., is the oldest one to register. She is 81 years and 3 months old, having been born in Braden, Posen, Germany. June 17, 1918: "Some of the colored population of Albion are preparing for a ball to be given at the Odd Fellows Hall, July 4. There will be a prize given to the woman wearing the prettiest dress, and to the man who wears the prettiest necktie. The music will be furnished by Mrs. Nettie Williams of Detroit.""J. Dean Thomson, who has been spending a few days furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W L. Thomson, Broadwell Avenue, left yesterday for Camp Grant, Rockford, IL." Next 100 Years Ago Article: July 1918 Read more Albion 100 Years Ago articles All text copyright, 2024 © all rights reserved Frank Passic