Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.

Albion 100 Years Ago - SEPTEMBER, 1918

Morning Star, September 2, 2018, pg. 13

In the July 8 edition of this column we featured the Morning Star. From our Historical Notebook this week courtesy of Kathy Pewsey we present an August, 1956 photo of Morning Star workers in front of their W. Porter St. location. These ladies would prepare each edition and fold them for distribution. Only a few have been identified. No. 2 is Luella Coulson. The 4th persons in back is probably co-owner John Gilbert. Below him in front is Flo Winters. On the far right end is June Gallup, with co-owner Willard Snyder just to the left in back. How many of our readers have ever worked for the Morning Star and delivered it to the residents of the Albion area?

August 1956 Morning Star workers at W. Porter St. location.

We continue with our theme of "Albion, 100 Years Ago."September 2, 1918. "Few Albion People Drive Cars Sunday. Most Albion automobile drivers stayed at home yesterday and save gasoline for the Army, observing the government’s request to make Sunday a motorless day."

September 10, 1918: An Adventist school was opened Monday at 211 W. Mulberry St. There are at present about 6 children attending. Miss Flossie Winne of Jackson, is the teacher."

In a list of 41 men cited by General Pershing for bravery during the early days of Foch’s offensive on the Marne, appears the name of Private Nick Costianes, infantry for being one of a party of 5 men who captured 11 Germans and 4 machine guns. He is a first cousin of Nick Costianes of the Albion Confectionery store and formerly lived in New York."

September 12, 1918: "John Mitchell, a colored man, charged by his landlord at 615 W. Cass with non-payment of 3 weeks’board bill, caused a bunch of excitement yesterday afternoon when he went racing through the business section trying to get away from an officer whom he supposed was hot after him."

September 17, 1918: "It is not definitely known yet what provision will be made at the College for barracks for the young soldiers of the S.A.T.C…It is anticipated that the fraternity houses will be utilized for the housing but other places will doubtless be necessary."

September 23, 1918: "The plans for housing the members of the Student Army Training Corps have been completed…The entire north building and the Sigma Chi lodge on E. Cass St. will be used as barracks."The W.C.T.U. basement will be used as the mess hall and here three times a day the entire S.A.T.C. will come for their meals."

September 24, 1918: "Rev. A. J. Leggett brought to the Recorder office a 1 lb. sweet potato, raised by him in his garden from plants raised by him in his garden from plants brought from the famous Booker T. Washington school last May by his son, Booker T. Leggett, who was attending the school."

September 26, 1918. "Patrick Leo Hanlon Killed in Action. Corporal Patrick Leo Hanlon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick H. Hanlon, Burr Oak St., is the first Albion boy to lay down his life in France for his country. A telegram received by Mr. Hanlon at 3 o’clock this afternoon brought the message "Killed in Action"on August 28."

September 27, 1918. "Second Albion Boy Killed in Action. Two more Albion boys were reported in casualty telegrams from Washington received late yesterday afternoon and this morning. Hazael Choate, who lived with his parents on Maple St. for many years has been killed in action…It is thought that he was probably killed in the same fight during which Corporal Hanlon lost his life."

September 28, 1918. "With the news received late last evening that Rex Stark, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl C. Stark, Clinton St., had passed away at the Great Lakes Naval Training station, the third gold star has been placed in Albion’s service flag…His illness was of short duration with an attack of Spanish Influenza…It soon developed into a serious case of pneumonia…He passed away at 9 o’clock."

Dean Steffe, S. Eaton St., received word yesterday from his parents at Newago that his brother, Corporal Paul E. Steffe, died August 30 in France."

"A second daughter of Albion will soon leave for France in service for her country. Miss Mary Baker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Baker, Chestnut St., has been called by the National Board of the Y.W. C.A. for overseas work in France and England.


Next 100 Years Ago Article: October 1918

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