Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.
Morning Star, March 31, 2019, pg. 23 We continue with our theme of "Albion, 100 Years Ago." April 1, 1919. "Superintendent Lucius W. Fast, for the past three years head of the Albion Public Schools, has been offered and has accepted the position of superintendent of the schools at Mt. Clemens. At a meeting of the school board yesterday he asked for a release from his two-year contract and this was granted him." "Five Year Old Girl Saves Brother’s Life. But for the heroic action and remarkable presence of mind of five-year-old Marguerite Cornell, her little 17 months old brother would probably have been fatally burned Monday. They are the children of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cornell, Clark St. Mrs. Cornell had stepped outdoors to hang out the washing. An oil stove flame had been turned out, but was still burning underneath when the little boy went near it and his bib caught fire. Marguerite, hearing her brother’s cries and seeing his clothes on fire, picked him up and carried him out to his mother. He was badly burned around the mouth and lower part of the face, and his clothes burned down to the woolen undershirt. But for the prompt action of little Marguerite there is little doubt but that the burns would have been fatal." April 2, 1919: "Mrs. L. B. Niles, principal of the Dalrymple School, received a cablegram this morning from her son, Lieut. Arthur H. Niles of Ann Arbor, that he is on his way home from Brest." "William Leonard, who has conducted the resort at the north end of Duck Lake and farmed there for nearly half a century, died last night at the age of 80 years. He came to Albion in the year 1866 and for two or three years ran a bakery where the Cascarelli fruit store is now located." April 5, 1919. "About 40 Albion colored citizens visited Battle Creek Friday evening to hear Dr. George E. Haynes, director of Negro Economics, who spoke in the Congregational church." "Franklin R. Cole of Albion has started suit for divorce in circuit court against Louise B. Cole, charging her with desertion. They were married in Geneva, Ohio." April 7, 1919. "Two local Russian molders, an automobile and train No. 40 on the Michigan Central, figured in a terrible accident at the Superior St. crossing Sunday morning at 12:15 o’clock. As a result of the two men driving into the train with their aunt, Paul Sewdonichik, aged 28 years and unmarried is dead, and his companion, Vikenti Lewchuck, 38 years old and also single, lies in the Albion City Hospital seriously wounded with about 100 stitches in his head. There were several witnesses to the accident, most of them being men on their way home from the Moose athletic carnival." April 9, 1919. "As has already been observed, the lid will be on tight in Eckford this year, and any mere man who doesn’t watch his step is liable to fall into the arms of the law. All four constables elected were ladies, and like the rest of the ticket, are Republican, the Democrats making no opposition on the township offices." April 16, 1919. "Curfew Will Be Enforced. Children Under 16 Must Be Home by 9 o’clock or with Parents. The entry of the Torrey & Blaisdell store and the Star shoe shining parlor last night, by someone, thought to be boys, has brought about the decision by the city officials to break up the spirit of lawlessness among certain boys of the city." April 21, 1919. "S. M. Raftery, one of the most popular and highly respected residents of Albion, passed away at his home on W. Erie St. Sunday morning. For 15 years he was in the drag business in Albion, and during that time served as city treasurer for two years. About 17 years ago he organized the National Spring & Wire company." April 24, 1919. "The funeral of Henry Perine Dearing, for a number of years general baggage agent of the Michigan Central, was held at the country home of the deceased between Parma and Jackson this afternoon. Burial was made in Chapel Cemetery." "Roy Snell of Marengo township who was arrested and was brought before Judge Carl Gray in municipal court at Battle Creek Tuesday morning, and pleaded not guilty of selling skim milk…The sample of his milk sent to the state analyst at Lansing showed it to be below the required standard as to butter fat." April 29, 1919. "Albion’s new Carnegie Library will be thrown open to the public Thursday evening at 7:30 pm., and later at 8:15 pm., dedicatory exercises will be held in the Auditorium…While all the books have been moved in, there is some cataloging yet to be done, and books will not be given out until a later announcement is made." "At a meeting of the school board held last evening, Superintendent Donald Harrington of the Big Rapids schools, was unanimously chosen to succeed Lucius W. Fast, superintendent of the Albion Public Schools who recently resigned to accept a similar position in Mt. Clemens." April 30, 1919. "Theophil Wawryozek, an Albion man who has been in the service and who has returned to his home at 208 Pearl St. has started proceedings in court to have his name changed to Theophil Shuster. Theophil states that his experience in the Army has made him a real American and he has discovered that his unwieldy name is a handicap to him. As he is eager to advance in American ways, he is going to begin by getting a name that is pronounceable."
All text copyright, 2025 © all rights reserved Frank Passic