Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.
Morning Star, September 1, 2019, pg. 9 We continue with our theme of "Albion, 100 Years Ago." Happy 100th birthday this month to Albion’s Patrick Leo Hanlon Post No. 55 of the American Legion! September 2, 1919: "Probably the most disastrous fire this city ever experienced occurred Sunday afternoon when the entire upper story of the Eslow building, the only four-story structure on Superior St. and one of the oldest business blocks in Albion, was destroyed and damage done to the remainder of the building by smoke and water sufficient to cause a loss of well over $30,000." "The men who stole John McKinney’s safe from his home on Clark street road Saturday morning, chiseled their way into the bottom of the steel receptacle and removing the valuable contents, and made a getaway. A tin box which had contained $450 in Liberty Bonds was cut through with some sharp instrument. Not even a scrap of paper was left by the robbers." September 3: "Starting yesterday morning, all trains on the Lansing branch of the New York Central stopped at the old Lake Shore depot, and patrons of the road are much pleased over the resumption of the former procedure. Much time was formerly lost in backing trains into a siding near the MC depot and the passengers disliked the arrangement." "William Hartman, a 13-year-old boy who was leader of the gang of youngsters recently run down by the authorities who had been breaking into business places, left Albion yesterday for parts unknown, leaving a note to that effect at the home of his sister on Irwin Avenue." "The city paving gang is making good progress on S. Superior St. It is expected that the pavement from Irwin Avenue to Walnut St. will be opened to traffic tomorrow." September 5: Headline: "Runaway Albion Boys Make Trouble. Two are Implicated in Theft Near Jackson. Hartman Boy is Seen in City But Escapes Again." September 8: "Singer Building Collapsed Sunday. The entire 3-story building occupied by Singer & Son, furniture dealers at 212 S. Superior St. which was damaged by water in the Eslow building fire of August 31, collapsed at noon Sunday when part of the 4th story wall of the Eslow block fell upon its roof. "Organize American Legion in Albion. A chapter of the American Legion, called to the G.A.R. of the Great War, is to be established in Albion, and all former servicemen in the city and vicinity are asked to attend a meeting for the purpose of effecting an organization to be held at the G.A.R. Hall Wednesday evening of this week at seven forty-five." September 9: "G. H. Killian returned to Albion yesterday afternoon, not knowing of Sunday’s collapse of his building until Monday morning. Men working in the ruins of the store this morning discovered that the front wall was in great danger of falling. The Hodge building occupied by Dibble’s clothing store and Attorney Levi B. Warren’s office, was closed today to prevent any casualties in case the Singer front should give way." September 11: "Someone in the foreign settlement tipped off the police yesterday in the supposed fact that local Bolsheviks were going to hold a meeting last evening, the resulting mix-up being that a harmless gathering of young foreigners called by the county YMCA secretary educational purposes came for a short time under very grave suspicion on the part of the minions of the law until the situation was satisfactorily explained." "Ice Notice. Our supply of ice is nearly exhausted, and until we secure ice from some other source there will be no delivery to the private houses after this date. Eastman Ice Company." "Undertaking Notice. The destruction of the building we occupied has in no way interfered with our ability to take care of all undertaking calls. Singer & Son." September 13: "The active campaign to secure funds by popular subscription for Albion’s Victory Park, a memorial to its soldier and sailor boys in the service will be started in the near future." September 19: Headline: "American Legion Meeting Tonight. Gathering to Occur at G.A.R. Hall Will See Organization of Local Post of New Society Perfected." Next: ALBION ROLLER RINK POPULAR IN 1940s AND 1950s Read more Albion 100 Years Ago articles All text copyright, 2025 © all rights reserved Frank Passic