Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Albion 100 Years Ago - DECEMBER 1919

Morning Star, December 1, 2019, pg. 12

We continue with our theme of "Albion, 100 Years Ago." December 1, 1919: "Superintendent Donald Harrington of the Albion Public Schools makes the following statement regarding the charges of assault on the Marshall football players… In regard to the unfortunate incident following the football game Thanksgiving Day, we wish to state that as a high school we disclaim any responsibility for acts of rowdyism committed by persons not connected with the school… The school authorities have felt for some time that it was unwise to continue contests where so much bitterness existed and we are now convinced that it is wise to break off all athletic relations."

"Special City Council Meeting. The only business taken up was the passage of a resolution turning over Irwin Avenue to the jurisdiction of the county road commission, that state reward money may be collected for the recent improvement of the street."

December 3, 1919. Headline: "Albion Boy Makes Name as Inventor. Robert Wiederwax Devises Auto Radiator for Which Ford Offers Big Royalty."

December 8, 1919. "Local Factories to Close Tonight. Federal Order Received Here, Closing up All Local Manufacturing Plants. Local Coal Situation Not Serious, However…It means that for a few days, at least several thousand workmen will be idle in Albion."

December 10, 1919: "Filling Station for Standard Oil. An important real estate deal was announced today, whereby C.M. Conklin, acting for the Standard Oil company bought two lots on the north side of Michigan Ave. which will be the site of a gasoline and oil filling station, as well as a fully equipped comfort station for men and women: something the city has needed for many years."

December 11, 1919; "Three former Starr Commonwealth boys who have seen overseas Army service have been visiting Floyd Starr at the Commonwealth west of the city. Lieut. Thaddeus Newcomb and Harry Bellaire, who were of the original seven boys at the institution and have seen nearly three years of Army service, are still here and are making plans towards the formation of a Starr Commonwealth Alumni Association."

December 16, 1919: Headline: "Nick Martin Murdered Last Night in His Store [702 N. Albion St.]. Albion Store Keeper, Dies as the Result of Being Shot Three Times by Unknown Assailant."

December 18, 1919. "Sheriff Henry Lucas and Turnkey John Harther this morning brought to Albion four of the six Russian radicals arrested here in the recent "Red" raid by federal officials, for the purpose of allowing them to draw their money from local banks and say farewell to their friends, for apparently their days in the land of the free are numbered and it is expected that deportation will be their lot in the near future."

December 19, 1919: Three Russians are Taken Away. Three of the six Russians arrested in the Albion "Red" raid …were taken from the county bastille shortly after noon today by Immigration Officer DeHart of Detroit. The three Russians were Sam Markowich, Anthony Kulinich, and Alex Zaremba.

December 30, 1919. "An important business change was announced today as the result of the purchase of the Frank M. Church grocery at 201 N. Superior St. by Charles H. Baker and son, Robert C. Baker, who will operate the business under the firm name of R. C. Baker & Co. Mr. Church has been connected with Albion grocery firms for over 30 years and will now take a much needed rest."


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