Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.
Morning Star, April 5, 2020, pg. 6 We continue with our theme of "Albion, 100 Years Ago." April 1, 1920. "The Hayes Wheel Company's auto hub plant, located in this city, is now the largest hub factory in the world, according to an announcement made today by William Brundage, the manager of the plant." "The Duck Lake resort will be opened formally on Decoration Day, May 30, it was announced today by Secretary W. R. Noyes of the Albion-Duck Lake Improvement Association." April 6, 1920. The farmhouse on the farm southeast of the city which has just been sold by R. T. Baldwin to Karl Waito caught fire and burned to the ground, with its contents about nine o'clock last night. The cause was probably an overheated furnace." April 7, 1920. "Scrap Ends in Court. Following trouble which is said to have occurred in one of the factories this morning between Emil Neitzka and Arthur Defrate, in which it is said blows were struck, the latter secured a warrant for the former's arrest, Chief of Police Stoddard making the arrest." April 9, 1920. "Phil Porr has been engaged by City Manager Baumgardner to take care of the repair work in the water department and do the city plumbing. He recently withdrew from the plumbing firm of Winslow & Porr." April 10, 1920. T. J. Mack has purchased of Mrs. Dan Connors the Putnam flat at the corner of Ash and Ionia Sts. Mr. Mack plans to build a two-story flat on the lot to the west." April 12, 1920. "Attention, we have opened an oxy-acetylene welding and cutting shop. We weld steel, cast iron, malleable iron, aluminum, copper and brass. Paul Samulak, Proprietor, 112-114 W. Porter St." April 13, 1920. The gasoline situation in Albion became acute today. It was learned at the various garages that only approximately 12,000 gallons were on hand in the entire city, which is far below the normal supply." April 14, 1920. "Things are gradually resuming their normal condition at the B. S. K. Coal Mining Company's mine north of the city. Twenty-five men are now working at the mine and new hands are being taken on at the rate of about eight per day, most of them coming from Bay City." April 17, 1920. "City Officers Capture Two Distillers. Chief of Police Clyde Stoddard and Night Patrolman Riker and Valiance raided houses at 912 Albion St. and 907 Austin Avenue, early last evening, capturing two complete whiskey stills, with all of the necessary appurtenances for the making of booze, as well as a quantity of mash from which the stuff is made. Two were arrested, they are Marian Bruscyniski and John Skridulis. "The City of Albion now has an enthusiastic Hoover for President club, the first of its kind in this campaign, as the result of a meeting of about 25 Hooverites which was held last evening at the community room of the Commercial & Savings Bank." April 19, 1920. "Work was started today on a new milk house to be erected just north of the Farmer's Elevator at the rear of the stores on the E. Side of S. Superior St., for Albert Rutz. April 20, 1920. City Council Minutes. "Matt C. Harris, colored, was given a license for a soft drink place on N. Albion St. It was voted to give a deed to the St. Paul's Lutheran Church for a lot in Riverside Cemetery which was originally purchased 46 years ago by what was then known as the German Association for the Township of Albion. The deed for this lot was held by a Homer man until his death a short time ago and the church society asked for a new one." April 27, 1920. "I.O.O.F. Burn Mortgage on Albion Hall. Dewitt Foskit, who was Noble Grand in 1910 at which time the I.O.O.F. Hall was built and a mortgage placed upon it, told of the efforts of the lodge since that time to clear their debt. He then burned the mortgage in the presence of the company." All text copyright, 2025 © all rights reserved Frank Passic