Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.

Albion 100 Years Ago - JULY 2020

Morning Star, July 5, 2020, pg. 6

We continue with our theme of "Albion, 100 Years Ago." July 1, 1920. Word was received this morning of the death of Fred C. Day which occurred yesterday at his home in Detroit. Mr. Day is survived by his wife whom Albion people will remember as Harriet Dalrymple, and a 9-year-old daughter Jane. Mr. Day and his family lived in the Dalrymple home on Pearl St for a year and he was well known here."

"A new industrial corporation to be known as the Albion Foundry and Machine Company has been organized in Albion."

July 2, 1920: "The new milk house for A. J. Rutz, which is being constructed by Perry Sharp just north of the Farmer’s elevator, is nearing completion."

July 8, 1920. "D. W. Davis, county agent, was here today from Marshall to investigate the case of Edward Pietkewicz, Albion lad who ran away from the state industrial school for boys at Lansing July 3. He was found at the home of his parents in this city and it is expected that he will be returned to the Lansing institution."

July 9, 1920. The 19th annual state session of the Baptist Young People’s Union and the 68th annual session of the Sunday school convention, representing the colored Baptist churches in the state, are being held in Albion this week at the Bethel Baptist church of which Rev. C. L. Brasco is the pastor."

July 12, 1920. Duck Lake’s middle name will be ‘Boyville’ tomorrow for that popular resort will be turned over to a band of 45 Albion newsboys who will all take a hand in making the annual newsboy’s picnic of 1920 an event which will be unsurpassed in all the annals of newsboydom."

July 19, 1920. "In the juvenile court Saturday, Joe Pasic of Albion was adjudged a delinquent and sent to the Industrial School at Lansing." "Fred Elms, son of Fred Elms who operated the Elms Buggy Co. in this city a number of years ago, was in the city Saturday night on his way by automobile from Seattle, WA to Toledo, OH."

July 21, 1920. "Albion Chamber of Commerce Joins National Organization. The Albion Chamber of Commerce has been elected to membership in the Chamber of Commerce of the United States."

July 27, 1920. Announcement was made here today by officials of the Hayes Wheel Company that plans have been completed for the publication of five magazines, one for each of the five plants of the company. The plan of individual plant papers originated at Albion, at the hub plant of the company where the "Hub" has been published for several months."


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