Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Morning Star, November 15, 2020 Pg. 7

During the 1880s Albion was served by rare mother-daughter physicians consisting of Dr. Elizabeth (Parker) Pope (1836-1919), and daughter Dr. Cora (Pope) Ganung (1862-1923). Elizabeth came to Albion in 1880 from her native New York State and practiced here until 1886. She was the widow of Dr. C. E. Pope, and was one of the earliest women physicians in the country. She graduated from New York Medical College in 1865 and in that year began her practice in that state. She also served as an instructor at her Alma Mater for several years. After leaving Albion she returned to New York where she married a man with the last name of Westcott, and continued practicing until 1907. At that time, she moved to Lansing, Michigan to retire and live with her daughter and son-in-law.

Elizabeth practiced upstairs at 43 N. Superior St. according to the 1885 Albion City Directory, above the Geisman Clothing store. Today this is 221 S. Superior St, adjacent to (north of) the Opera House building.

Elizabeth’s daughter, Dr. Cora (Pope) Ganung (1862-1923) was born in West Burlington, New York. After attending grade schools there, she came to Albion as a student at Albion College. She later transferred to the University of Michigan, and was an 1883 graduate of the Department of Medicine and Surgery. Cora began her practice here in Albion upon graduation. Her husband was Stuart F. Ganung (1856-1914) who served as professor of music at Albion College.

Cora lived and practiced medicine at 33 S. Superior St. over William Steel’s Jewelry store. The building at that address, later renumbered as 211 S. Superior St., was demolished in 1961 and today is the site of a walkway next to the former Citizen’s Bank between S. Superior St. and the Market Place to the east.

The Ganungs left Albion in 1890 and moved to Lansing where they continued their respective professions. Stuart taught music lessons in Lansing, and was an accomplished organist who played at several area Lansing churches. Cora’s 1923 obituary states that she was "one of the most prominent woman doctors in the state." Mother, daughter and husband, are all interred in Mt. Hope Cemetery in Lansing.

From our Historical Notebook this week we present an advertisement from page 80 in the 1885 Albion City Directory. It states, "Cora Pope-Ganung, M.D. Physician and Surgeon. Specialty, Diseases of Eye, Ear and Throat and Fitting Glasses. Office over Steel’s Jewelry Store. Office hours 10 to 12 a.m. and 2 to 4 p.m. General calls promptly attended from office. 33 S. Superior, upstairs." The mother Elizabeth also placed an ad in the same directory as a physician and surgeon. Has Albion had any other mother-daughter physicians who practiced here at the same time?

1885 Albion City Directory, advertisement page 80


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