Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Albion 100 Years Ago - DECEMBER, 1920

Morning Star, November 29, 2020, pg. 5

We continue with our theme of "Albion, 100 Years Ago." December 1, 1920. "The scoutmaster of the Negro Boy Scout troops will be Rev. Lacey and not Principal Cable as stated Monday." "Frank W. Culver states today that he had 23 fancy Rhode Island Reds stolen from his chicken pens at his residence on Dalrymple St. last Friday night." An electric flat iron left turned on at the residence of Floyd Dean, 618 W. Erie St. caused a $50 fire this morning."

December 3, 1920. "For the second time in the past few weeks, Nathan Markowich, E. Porter St. was arraigned in Justice W. M. Watson’s court this morning on a charge of violating the liquor laws.

December 4, 1920. There were two cases of assault and battery in Justice P. D. Wright’s court today. Dan Kosbiel was arrested in complaint of Bolias Scalsky, the alleged assault having been made December 1 when Kosbiel slapped Mrs. Scalsky’s face during an altercation over a borrowed hoe on Mallory St."

"The mother, two sisters and a brother of Sam Vafiadis, employed in George Mitchell’s confectionery store, arrived in Albion this week from Greece to make their home in this city. Mr. Vafiadis has rented a home on Oak St. for their occupancy and his brother, Jim Vafiadis, is here from Battle Creek helping them settle. The latter formerly worked at Mitchell’s also.

December 10, 1920. Headline: "Freight House to be Started in Near Future. Local Contractors are Given Chance to Bid on New Fireproof Structure for Michigan Central."

"Body of Albion Boy is Coming from Overseas. William Wendorf, E. Porter St., received word from the War department that the remains of his son, Harvey W. Wendorf, who died overseas October 27, 1918, would arrive at New York December 18…The Patrick Leo Hanlon Post will make fitting recognition of the death of their comrade in the services to be held here."

December 11, 1920: "A warrant was issued yesterday afternoon by Justice Walter M. Watson charging Speros Martinoff of the Albion St. grocery firm of Martinoff Brothers with the larceny of a dress, a sweater and $50 cash belonging to Mrs. Mary Martinoff, wife of Mladin Martinoff, the other member of the firm...Martinoff is said to have driven to Jackson and is thought to be in hiding there."

"William G. Wallace, parcel post carrier from the local post office, ran his motorcycle and sidecar into a telephone pole on Fitch St. yesterday afternoon."

December 15, 1920: Headlines: "Earl Noble is Sentenced to Jackson Prison. Albion Man Pleads Guilty to Theft of Knickerbocker Automobile in Jackson. Judge Gives him from 2 ½ to 5 years with Recommendation of Three."

December 18, 1920. "Merchandise value at $600 was taken early Friday morning from the Pratt & Snow store in Concord, the robbers leaving no clue whatever to their identity. This is the third time this year the store has been robbed."

December 21, 1920. Headline: "Will Get Plans for New High School Here. Superintendent of Schools Don Harrington Presents Mass of Facts and Figures Showing that Albion has Out-grown the Facilities of Central Building."

Headline: "Mrs. C. I. Cool Kills Herself By Taking Gas. Wealthy Resident of E. Erie St., in Spell of Melancholia, Suicides. Leaves Unique Instructions Regarding Her Funeral."

December 22, 1920. "Albion Man Robbed in Florida Hotel. Jefferson Smith, who left Albion about two weeks ago for Florida to spend the winter, has returned with a very poor impression of that part of the country. Mr. Smith was robbed of over $200 in a Florida hotel. He left the money with the clerk, to be put in the hotel safe. In the morning however, the clerk had left for parts unknown. Mr. Smith intended to remain south for several months working at his trade of painter and paper-hanger, but found practically nothing of that kind in prospect, so decided to return to Albion."

December 23, 1920. Headline: "Albion Woman Takes Poison, May Not Live. Mrs. Mladin Martinoff Thought to Have Attempted to Take Her Life This Morning During Moment of Despondency. Swallows Blue Vitrol."

December 29, 1920: "The remains of Arthur L. Slowman, former city manager of Albion, who died while in the service in France, found a final resting place in his native city of Coldwater Friday of last week. Unfortunately, no one in this city had been notified of the burial ceremony or a large delegation of local friends of the former manager who was extremely well liked in Albion, would have been present…He was married to Miss Ruth Clark of Albion, now a teacher in the Detroit public schools. At the time of his marriage he was city manager of Albion."

"The old water works plant on E. Cass St. is being dismantled, as it is no longer needed by the city. The tall brick chimney, which has been considered dangerous for some time, is being torn down. The boilers, pumps and other apparatus will be sold, it is expected, for junk."


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