Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.

Albion 100 Years Ago - AUGUST 1921

Unpublished due to lack of access to microfilm during COVID-19 restrictions

We continue with our theme of "Albion—100 Years Ago." August 1, 1921. "Fire Damages E. Porter St. Home. The residence of Sam Lafer and N. Machlowitz, located on E. Porter St. adjacent to the city market-place, was damaged to the extent of nearly $1,000 by fire which started from an electrical flatiron that had been left with the current turn on, Saturday night about 9:30. Saturday night Mrs. Machlowitz’s mother was ironing and left the kitchen hurriedly to look after a grandchild, forgetting to turn off the current. Soon the room was ablaze and the fire department had to throw water which was mainly confined to the first floor, to extinguish the blaze."

August 2, 1921. "Colon C. Billinghurst, aged 76, died at Rochester, MN after an illness of two months. Mr. Billinghurst was a brother of Charles Billinghurst, who lives three miles north of Albion, and a son of the late Daniel Billinghurst, who settled on the Billinghurst farm west of the city. The latter was a pioneer of this section."

August 5, 1921. John C. Dunn, local agent for the Michigan Central, is asking local contractors to figure on bids for erecting the new union freight house in this city. The new freight house, which will occupy the site taken up by the large wooden building which burned last fall, will be strictly fireproof, and will be composed wholly of brick and concrete. It will be 200 feet over all and 30 feet wide."

August 22, 1921. "John Brunitski and Powell Lezenewich were arrested late Saturday night on Albion St. by Chief of Police Clyde Stoddard and Night Policeman David Sutton for drunkenness. They will be arraigned tonight in the court of Justice P. D. Wright."

August 30, 1921. "George Bohm, who owns a string of billboards through a number of towns through this section, has erected four new boards south of the Weaver Inn and is also rebuilding the boards on S. Superior St. between Smith & Lathwell’s and the Rhoton store, to provide more room."


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