Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Albion 100 Years Ago - NOVEMBER 1921

Morning Star, November 7, 2021, pg. 4

We continue with our theme of "Albion—100 Years Ago." Nov. 1, 1921: "Scaffolding has just been erected covering the entire front of the George T. Bullen store, preparatory to overcoating the structure with Kellastone stucco."

"C. Manster, arrested last night on a similar drunk charge, pled guilty in Justice Wright’s court this morning. He could not pay a fine of $10 and costs and went to the county jail for twenty days."

Nov. 2, 1921: "The task of grading the new Duck Lake golf course is well underway and the work will probably be completed within the next two or three weeks."

Nov. 7, 1921: "Frank VanAtta, former Albionite who is a lieutenant in the Kalamazoo Fire Department, spent Sunday and today in Albion as the guest of his aunt, Miss Cora Van Atta, W. Porter St." "Alfred Tuchtenhagen, Herman Kopp, and Delbert Barnes started Sunday morning for Channing in the Upper Peninsula for the deer hunting season."

Nov. 8, 1921: "J. J. Fisher is moving the Singer stock of undertaking goods which he purchased form Singer & Son, to the Fisher Funeral Home on E. Michigan Avenue." "Ed Kinsey is moving the old Bidwell house on N. Superior St. to the north 60 feet to make room for a new house. The house is on 32 jacks."

Nov. 9, 1921: "In the circuit court Monday, Frank Fields of Albion pled guilty to violating the prohibition law and drew 60 days in the Detroit House of Correction, and $100 costs."

Nov. 10, 1921: "William Kellogg, former well-known resident of Albion, has been elected president of the First National Bank of Traverse City. He clerked for several years in the clothing store of Isadore Jacobs which was located on S. Superior St."

Nov 15, 1921: "According to L.A. Tichenor of this city, who keeps close tab on Albion’s old settlers and former residents, George W. Stone, who died Friday in Lansing, was one of the men who attended the "Little Red Schoolhouse," which was located on S. Superior St. in the block which is now occupied by the St. Paul’s Lutheran Church."

Nov 28, 1921: "Robbers Busy in Vicinity Over Sunday. There was an epidemic of robbery and burglary in Albion and vicinity Saturday and Night. Tire thieves Saturday night entered the barn of William Ott, two and one-half miles southwest of Albion, jacked up his Overland car and took off all four tires and rims."

Nov. 29, 1921, Headline: "Plans for a New Unit High School are Announced. Cost of the Structure to be $150,000. School Board and Supt. Don Harrington Devise Plan of Getting Needed Room by Using Present Site on Michigan Ave. and Adding More Ground."


Next 100 Years Ago Article: DECEMBER 1921

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