Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Morning Star, July 3, 2022, pg. 7

We continue with our theme of "Albion, 100 Years Ago." July 1, 1922. "Quantities of Booze Seized in Big Raid. At 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon, officers of the City of Albion, swooped down on the homes of five in the foreign settlement, and seized quantities of liquor and paraphernalia. The largest haul came from the house of Mary Ziemba, 706 N. Albion St. Six gallons of corn whiskey, one complete still and about ten gallons of mash were gotten. Mrs. Dempska Selengiewicz, 507 Austin Ave, was not at home but a search of the house netted one gallon of 'mountain dew.' The house of Mrs. Anne Peotroske, 708 N. Albion St., gave up nothing as a reward for an exhaustive search, but a warrant was served on her charging her with the repeated sale of intoxicating liquors. Mrs. John Pavluchick, 608 Austin Ave, was found to have 50 gallons of corn mash in her possession which she kept asserting was there to make wine out of. Mrs. Sofia Dubina was caught in the act of pouring out some corn whiskey in a one-half pint bottle for a man who escaped."

July 3, 1922. "Complete electrification of the plant and the building of a new spur railroad one and one-eighth miles long to connect with the New York Central lines are the new improvements to be made by the Peoples Coal Mining company, located north of Albion in the near future. Contracts have been signed for 275 tons of heavy railroad rails and 4,500 ties which will be used in the building of the new spur. The old one which it will replace has been so weak and worn out that it has been dangerous for switching engines to come in on it."

"The Albion Star, a colored team, will meet the Dunbar Giants of Jackson here tomorrow on Alumni Field at 3:30 pm."

"Carl Nearenberg has sold his residence property on S. Superior St. to J. D. Torrey. Mr. Torrey and family have occupied this home since their coming to Albion from Manchester several years ago."

July 5, 1922. "Condemnation proceedings were started by the City Monday in circuit court against Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Wochholz, S. Superior St., whose property will be used by the city as part of the site of the new Sheldon Memorial Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Wochholz were not satisfied with the price offered by the city and the proceedings then became necessary."

"A Dodge car owned by Frank Dean, South Albion farmer, driven by one of his sons and containing several young men, came to grief the afternoon of the 4th, just north of Homer on the Albion-Homer Road, when the machine, getting out of control of the driver, left the highway and crashed into a tree."

July 13, 1922. "The former Albion College gymnasium, which was ruined for gymnasium purposes by fire January 12, will be transformed into a cafeteria for college students and the general public."

"Architect Albert Wood of Detroit was in this city yesterday in conference with the committee which has in hand the preliminary plans for the James Wadsworth Hospital, and brought with him his first drawings of the new building."

"The new Rice Creek Schoolhouse, erected by Perry Sharp, the local contractor, is completed with the exception of the painting, which will be done within the next week or so by Fay Marsh of this city."

"Charles E. Butler of Albion, began suit against the Michigan Railway Company for the loss of a horse."

"Perry Sharp has completed most of the brick work around the union passenger station, having raised the entire station platform about four inches."

July 21, 1922. "The city sidewalk gang today completed the stretch of cement sidewalk on Albion St., extending from the Daleo grocery to Austin Ave. The workmen will now begin work on a new walk on the north side of Austin Ave from Albion St. to Carson St."

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