Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.


Morning Star, November 10, 1996, pg. 20

Part one can be read by clicking here.

In the June 23 edition of this column we featured an article about the famous periodical wildlife painter, Lynn Bogue Hunt (1878-1960) who was an 1897 graduate of Albion High School. We were able to illustrate one of his paintings from the cover of Field and Stream magazine from the early 1930s, but were unable to locate a photograph of him.

Thanks to Mrs. Margaret (Farley) Haeske, who forwarded a copy of my article to Sally Gaines Mosher of Kalamazoo, and Jane Marie Gaines of Durham, NC, both great-nieces of LBH. They are the granddaughters of Lena (Hunt)Farley, sister of LBH.

In her letter to me, Jane Gaines mentioned that LBH’s grandmother’s name was Sally, and that her first husband was Samuel Bishop Bogue. He left her widowed with 3 small children before she was 30 years old. By the time Lynn’s mother Nancy and her husband Franklin Fisk Hunt came to Albion when Lynn was 12, he had already produced artwork which looked like that of an adult, Jane writes, "Our sister, Anne Farley Gaines, has several of his little pencil sketches done on scrap paper that his mother had lovingly saved. This seems quite appropriate, since Anne herself is an artist. She hs a studio in Chicago and teachers art at Ripon College in Wisconsin."

Jane writes further, "There is an interesting anecdote about uncle Lynn’s college career which has been passed along in the family. He never was a consummate student like his sister Lena (who graduated from Albion College and taught Latin, Greek, and German in Homer High School for several years.) He had taken a class which he was flunking. But all was not lost! The professor had always brought his little dog with him to class, so instead of writing the exam, Uncle Lynn drew a picture of the dog in the exam booklet. He passed the class. We have often wondered what happened to the exam booklet."

From our Historical Notebook this week we present a photograph of Lynn Bogue Hunt, in a hunting pose with rifle by a wilderness stream. Special thanks to the two sisters for supplying us with this photograph and information. Internet readers: Two other LBH Hunt family photographs have been added here, courtesy of Betty Farley of Cleveland, OH.

Lynn Bogue Hunt 1878-1960.

Lynn Bogue Hunt Family.
Left to Right: George Hunt, Nancy (Bogue) Hunt, Lynn Bogue Hunt, Franklin Fisk Hunt, Lena Hunt (later Farley).

Lynn Bogue Hunt Family 1909.
Lynn Bogue Hunt holding son Bryan (left) and son George (right), 1909 photo


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