Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.

Albion 100 Years Ago - November 1901

Morning Star, November 4, 2001, pg. 13

A reminder: Many of my past Historical Notebook articles from the past 10 years have been placed on the www.albionmich.com internet site. When visiting relatives across the country this upcoming Thanksgiving or Christmas season, let them know about it as a way of “bringing Albion to them.” Also my Albion history books and materials are available at the Albion Chamber of Commerce. These make great “stocking stuffer” gifts and conversation starters--even my cemetery tour booklets. Visit the Chamber at 416 S. Superior St. for a look-see.

We continue with our theme of Albion-100 years ago. Week ending November 7, 1901: “The Divorce Calendar--Couples ask to Have Their Marriage Relations Dissolved. The following divorce cases are on the calendar for the November term of court: Charles Hutchinson vs. Emily Hutchison; Elsie Wheelock vs. William W. Wheelock; Hattie Dawson vs. William D. Dawson; Fred S. Tillotson vs. Emma A. Tillotson; Susie E. Williams vs. Geo. H. Williams; Elmer J. Orton vs. Mattie E. Orton; May L. Whipple vs. Bert F. Whipple; Charles Hicks vs. Sara Hicks; Nellie B. Brown vs. Adelbert E. Brown; Catherine Lamb vs. Otis Lamg; Estella McClurg vs. Robert S. McClurg; Josephine Hotchkiss vs. Charles Hotchkiss; Frank Dean vs. Hannah E. Dean.”

“College Crumbs. Burns Brewer is wearing the Delta Tau Delta pledge pin.” “The members of the Olivet second football team had several articles stolen from their grips which they left in the gymnasium during the game. It is not at all likely that any student was connected with this affair, but it was probably the work of young boys. Some provision should be made to protect property that is left in the gymnasium.” “The government spent just twenty-seven cents on the improvements of the Kalamazoo River in the season just closed.”

November 14, 1901: “The electric road people now have their steam shovel located at their gravel pit on the Ismon farm and are ready to take out the dirt. The grading is finished across the private right of way between the Austin Avenue and Williams St. and the wires are strong. The third rail is to be laid on the outside of the tracks, and it will be fastened to every fifth tie, which will project beyond the others.”

“Some two years ago a bill was passed making it a state offense to sell colored oleo margarine. These cases were made resulting in the Supreme Court deciding the law unconstitutional.” “F. D. Roudenbush and G. H. Kilian have received embalmer’s licenses from the Michigan State Board of Health.” “An announcement recently made stating that Tekonsha has 25 attractive widows among its 600 population has excited the envy of adjacent towns. Colon, a jealous neighbor, with 200 more population, boasts of having 50 widows, eligible, good looking, mostly young, all attractive, many with means and as affectionate as one could wish.”

November 21, 1901: “A Jack the Peeper was seen prowling around two local residences recently. John Weaver, one of the residents, laid for the culprit with a loaded gun. About 10:30 one night a face peered in cautiously at the window and Weaver fired point blank at the grinning target. The fellow was evidently not seriously injured. He was chased through several streets and when last seen he was legging it west out of the city at a lively clip. Mrs. Weaver had recently received some money by the death of a relative, and it is possible, but not very probable, that a robbery was contemplated.” “Last Monday afternoon Judge Winsor sentenced James Kelley, the hobo who held up and shot Mrs. Charles Davis, to 5 years at hard labor at Jackson. James Hickey, whose trial was finished Monday noon was sentenced to 3 years at hard labor after being convicted of a serious charge.”

November 28, 1901: “Will Sell the Stone Mill. The Albion Milling property will be sold by Circuit Court Commissioner Stewart at the court house in Marshall on Friday, January 10, 1902 in order to satisfy a decree wherein Eugene P. Robertson, as receiver, is the complainant, and William B. Knickerbocker, Mattie Knickerbocker his wife (followed by numerous names), defendants.” “Dr. Hafford announces that he has moved his office to the Comstock block, over Mrs. Baker’s millinery store.”

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