Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Morning Star, June 6, 2004, pg. 14

June 2, 1904: “Ezra Day has sold his barber shop on W. Porter St. to B. O. Carpenter, the latter taking possession this afternoon. Mr. Carpenter comes to Albion from Jackson.” “The election of officers of the Albion Federation of Labor, No. 9644, announced for last Thursday, was postponed one week.”

“Arrangements have been completed for the appearance here of the Great Wallace Shows on Saturday, July 9 at Albion. Four marvelous circus features are among the hundreds of acts presented.” “George Hardy, concerning whose long imprisonment at Jackson there has been so much comment, was in Albion Thursday, having been given permission to attend the funeral of his brother-in-law, Marion Gribble. The funeral of the latter, whose death occurred near Charlotte, took place at the North Brick Church at Duck Lake Thursday and on this account Mr. Hardy was allowed a day’s leave of absence from the prison, being accompanied by the Chaplain Frank McAlpin.” “Rice Creek. Miss Theresa Alexander is working for Mrs. Blood, of Partello.”

June 9: “Ezra Day gone. Ezra Day passed away about 1:45 Friday afternoon at his residence, aged about 30 years and 1 month. The deceased had not been in good health for many years...He took up the trade of barber and after working in various places here, purchased the “Snug” shop on West Porter St., which place of business he carried on until very recently.”

“The students concerned in the Maccabee Hall escapade, it is understood have been informed that Albion College social privileges, as applied to fraternity and class gatherings, are prohibited to them until next January. The diploma of the senior in the affair will be held up until September.” “Foley’s Kidney Cure. Will cure Bright’s Disease. Will cure Diabetes. Will cure Stone in Bladder. Will cure Kidney and Bladder Diseases. Will cure any case of kidney and bladder disease not beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more. Sold by Homer C. Blair [druggist].”

June 16: “A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized Tuesday evening at the home of H. Clay Hartung on E. Erie St., the contracting parties being Phillip C. Hartung and Miss Louie May Finley.” “The cement wall, 126 feet long, at the new market place has been completed and is now ready for the shed which the citizen’s committee are to put up. The new shed will accommodate 16 teams. Thirty hitching posts, ten feet apart, connected by gas pipe are to be placed in position in a few days. About 400 loads of filling have been already used at the market place.”

“So much petty thieving has been going on it is said, for some time past at the Gale works, that the management has found legal measures necessary to put an end to it. Tuesday afternoon, Frank Adams was brought before Justice Lane charged with petty larceny, the alleged offence being the taking of a small quantity of lumber last Sunday. He pleaded not guilty and trial was set for next Monday morning.”

June 23: “Colonel Phineas Graves, one of the oldest and most highly respected citizens of this vicinity, died about 2 o’clock Friday...When the Civil War broke out and the 12th Michigan Infantry was formed in this part of the state, Mr. Graves was made Captain of Company D. It is worthy of mention that he was in command of the scouting party which fired the first shots that resulted in the Battle of Shiloh.”

From our Historical Notebook this week we present a photo of "The Great Wallace" circus parade in downtown Albion at the Cass/Superior St. intersection, circa 1904. Notice the lion in the cage which is being pulled by two white horses, with the interurban tracks below. Circus’ during this time were held at the Albion fairgrounds located along Haven Road. In the background is the Wochholz & Deyoe Grocery (present site of Dominos Pizza); to the right the Howard & Co. grocery (present site of Piccadilly Cafe), followed by the George Griffin Hardware Store.

"The Great Wallace" circus Parade, circa 1904

Next 100 Years Ago Article: JULY 1904

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