Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Albion 100 Years Ago - October 1909

Morning Star, October 11, 2009, pg. 12

We continue with our theme of "Albion--100 Years Ago." Week ending October 7, 1909: "A Dream that is Shattered. The sale of the fair grounds to Robert Kopp and Grant Rickard settles for all time the possibility of the old race track and building being converted into a driving park for the horse lovers of Albion. The new owners plan to tear down the grand stand and floral hall and Mr. Kopp will build a home on the grounds. There are 27 acres in the plat and it is said that the present owners will engage in the chicken business."

"Albion Firemen Proud of Horses. Albion has reason to feel proud of the magnificent horses used in the fire service of our city. The four of them make up as fine a quartet of animals as a horse lover could wish to feast his eyes upon. Max and Mollie, the gingery team of blacks, have been in city harness the longer of the two. They are full brother and sister, 6 and 7 years old, and as sturdy and speedy a team for their weight as can be found anywhere."

"Albion Man Fell 30 Feet. While painting the attic gable of Professor Goodrich's home last Friday, Will Files, a painter in the employee of the Wilder Lumber Co., had an experience he does not want to repeat in the near future. The ladder on which he was standing broke, precipitating him to the roof of the back porch, some distance below, from whence he rolled off on the ground. He was picked up senseless, but soon regained consciousness and gave the anxious group around him the glad news that he could not feel any pain anywhere and thought he would go to work in a little while."

Week ending October 14, 1909: "Several months an agitation was begun to allow the bicycle riders of Albion the right to use the walks when the streets were in a bad condition. After a long fight on the part of the cyclists and their friends, and ordinance was passed which gave this privilege to the users of the wheel."

"H. J. Courtright, attorney for Mrs. Olive C. Starks, widow of the late Cornelius Starks, who resides just north of Duck Lake, succeeded Monday in settling out of court a suit instituted by her against the First National Bank of Albion."

Week ending October 28, 1909: "Fortune May Await Albion Man. Share of Several Million Dollar Estate May Belong to Dr. Edward M. Chauncey. Dr. E. Chauncey of this city is receiving the best wishes of his many friends that he may prove successful in establishing a claim in the estate of a certain Mr. William Rose, who died recently in Roseburg, Oregon. This Mr. Rose was the husband of Dr. Chauncey's aunt and when she died about 20 years ago, all their heirs except the doctor's mother, Mrs. Mary C. Chauncey, who resides with him, signed off their rights in the estate of Mrs. Rose."

"Wednesday was an unlucky day for James I. Butler, who resides near Duck Lake. Some one of his neighbors notified the Game Warden that he was trapping out of season and Mr. Austin followed up the scent at once and captured 13 fine rat skins and 5 traps."

"Charged With Burglary. Floyd Trine Caught in the Meshes of the Law, Suspected of Breaking Into Schneider's Clothing Store. Last December the store of Mr. George Schneider was entered in the night and the thief took a winter's supply of clothing. No clew [sp.] was left and the officers only had the description of some of the stolen articles. Officer Mallory took the case and as a result of careful work he now has under arrest a man charged with the act. Floyd Trine is the accused man and he was found with the stolen suit on his back."

"Albion Pioneer Passes Away. John G. Brown, President of the Commercial & Savings Bank, Died Monday. Mr. Brown was its first president. He was also interested in the Albion Malleable Iron Company and was one of its directors. On April 3, 1879, he was united in marriage to Miss Ida Fairbanks at Litchfield. To this union, one son, Benjamin was given, and he and his mother survive."

"Broom Factory Starts Work. The new broom factory which Mr. Phillip Snyder moved from Marengo to Albion has commenced the season's work and the first installment of brooms were turned out Thursday. The factory is located in the Hurley building in the rear of the Hurley Block [Note: This is the large building on the west side of N. Superior St. next to the railroad tracks]."

"Mains May Get Pardon. His brother Wesley, Petitions to Have him Released. He says he is Innocent. Wesley Mains of Chicago, brother of Charles Mains, in a letter dwells at length on the series of events hastening the downfall of the former Calhoun Co. attorney. First, that said Charles R. Mains is now insane and has been confined to his cell in said penitentiary on account of said insanity...That said Charles R. Mains is also afflicted with hernia, nervous prostration and general debility and possibly softening of the brain."


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