Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.
Morning Star, June 27, 2010, pg. 8 A happy 100th birthday to Essie Morgan, who is a member of Albion High School class of 1929. Essie worked in the office at Union Steel Products for many years. We continue with our theme of “Albion, 100 Years Ago.” Week ending July 7, 1910. “Wine Stolen From Cellar. George Encke Loses 35 gallons of Wine. Officer Mallory locates stolen juice and thinks he has a thief. In these times of dryness in Calhoun, it is not altogether uncommon for people to manufacture their own liquid refreshments. Such was the course taken by George Encke north of the city [Note, along the north side of C Drive North just west of 28 ½ Mile Rd. Part of his property is now the camping and prayer forest area behind New Hope Worship Center] He had a large quantity of fine home-made grape wine stored away in his cellar, but a week ago he found his supply considerably diminished. It was evident that it had been stolen, so he put Officer Mallory on the case. After a little detective work the officer fastened his suspicions on John Harris, who lived near the home of Mr. Encke. Tuesday morning Mr. Mallory drove out and secured what wine there was left and this morning brought in Mr. Harris who appeared before Justice McCutcheon.” “School board minutes. After the budget had been disposed of the question of an additional room for the children of the West Ward was thrashed over. The West Ward building is over taxed and is in need of repair.” “Caught in the Act. A self-confessed bootlegger was placed under arrest yesterday afternoon, in the person of James Carpenter, an Albion molder. Carpenter, it is stated, was guilty of giving Thomas McGraw a drink of liquor at the ball park.” Week ending July 14, 1910: “Statistics on School Needs. The seating capacity at West Ward School is 88. The present enrollment is 108.” “Several weeks ago Mr. and Mrs. George Krenerick and their daughter left Albion for a trip back to Germany, where they expected to visit relatives. Floyd Krenerick, their son, remained here, but expects to leave soon and will join his parents at Stuttgart, Germany.” “Irma Dorris, charged with taking two automobiles, demanded an examination in Detroit. Automobile crazy takes on a sterner meaning when the craze affects a young lad, as it did Irma Dorris. This boy who last year was a high school student and a member of the football team, became a victim of the automobile craze to the extent that he felt he must have a machine. Not having the necessary money to purchase a car the lad is alleged to have stolen a fine little runabout from in front of a church in Detroit. He drove the car to Albion and told the parents and friends that the Ford Company had presented him two cars for an idea which he had given them about a new cooling system.” Week ending July 21, 1910. “Delta Tau Delta fraternity has rented the new Wilder house, at the corner of Cass and Monroe St's, near the Michigan Central railroad, and will have their fraternity paraphernalia there, and also room and board there next college year. The old fraternity rooms on Superior St. will be given up. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Buchanan will also move into the place, and they will occupy the first and second floors on the north side of the house, while the fraternity will have the third floor on that side, and all of the southern half of the building. Mrs. Buchanan, who is known for her good cooking, will be matron of the home, and also will board the young men.” “School is Growing. “According to present indications next September the enrollment of students at Albion College promises to be larger than it has been in many years. Dr. D. D. Martin, educational secretary of the institution, predicts that the increase over last year will be near to 100.” “Two foreigners with unspeakable names were slightly injured at the Malleable works this forenoon, one of them catching his fingers under one of the big hammers. He will lose none of the digits, however. The other man was burned some.” “It costs 50 cents a day at the Michigan asylum for the insane at Kalamazoo for every inmate, whether a private, state or county patient. This covers the entire cost of supplying them with everything and includes all the expenses of salaries of officers, nurses and industrial help and the cost of all repairs and betterments.” “Did He Run Away? Mrs. Fisher, who resides at 503 W. Chestnut St., is wondering where her son John Fisher has gone, and local officers rather believe that he is following after Robinson’s circus.” Week ending July 28, 1910. “Russians Welcomed the Newlyweds. Those living in the NW portion of Albion knew last Sunday that “little Italy” was celebrating. In fact, even downtown on the quiet business street of the city could be heard the songs of the happy crowd which gathered in the foreign settlement of the city making merry after the fashion in the old country, but under the supervision of the local police officers. The bride and groom’s names? Well, no one has yet been found who dared to try to spell them. And no one could spell them because no American could remember the pronunciation while the groom was saying it.” Next 100 Years Ago Article: August 1910 Read more Albion 100 Years Ago articles All text copyright, 2025 © all rights reserved Frank Passic