Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.
Morning Star, April 27, 2014, pg. 8 This coming Saturday, May 3 at 8:00 am is the time for the annual placement of flags on the graves of our veterans at Riverside Cemetery. Meet at the cemetery office if you’d like to help, where you will receive your group assignments. We continue with our theme of "Albion 100 Years Ago." Week ending May 7, 1914: "Lewis Decker, supervisor of Eckford Township, reports that Eckford has sold its road roller to the city of South Haven for $1,800 after continually using it since it was bought in 1910. It cost $2,500 when new." "Representatives of the Aunt Ellen Pickle Company were in the city yesterday from Chicago and completed the arrangements for their factory buildings. Ground has been secured and the buildings will be located on the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern railroad, south side at the corner of Monroe and Vine Sts." "The Austin School was entered through one of the windows some time Thursday night and considerable damage wrought by the intruders who are thought to have been boys living in the city. A pair of glasses belonging to one of the teachers was broken to bits, all the desks were forced open and a small amount of money was removed." "Dr. and Mrs. Charles M. Guyselman are expected to move to Albion from Hart the latter part of this week to make this city their home. Dr. Guyselman expects to practice chiropractic in Albion and has already rented the rooms in the Steel block over the Steel jewelry store for his office. Dr. Guyselman is a former Albion boy, being a graduate of the high school and the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. X. Guyselman [Note: The "X" stands for Xenia, Ohio where the family was originally from]." Week ending May 14, 1914: "The two houses on W. Center St. just west of the Eagle Temple being remodeled for Al. J. Rutz and J. Osmun of the firm of Rutz and Osmun, are nearing completion. They will be twin houses, being practically the same outside and inside from cellar to garret." "The Albion Garage has purchased from Charles D. Todd of Detroit, all the engines, engine parts, patterns and repair parts formerly belonging to the Cook and the Cook-Kneeland company." Week ending May 21, 1914. "Mirror Company Moves to Kalamazoo. The Mirror Printing Company will move its plant to Kalamazoo, with the work of packing starting Monday. The company is composed of Karl Lambooy, the active head and manager, Bennett Anthony, secretary and treasurer, and C. P. Luyendyk, of Kalamazoo, president. Mr. Lambooy came to Albion a few years ago from Kalamazoo and bought the old Mirror plant, which was established by the Coles in 1855. With Mr. Anthony he continued the publication of the Mirror for a short time, publishing it as a daily for several months, but the company’s main business was the printing of labels, and the newspaper was finally withdrawn from the field." "Auto and M.U.T. Smash at Newburg. Two people lost their lives and three others were taken badly injured to the city hospital as the result of an accident that occurred at the Newburg Road [now called 29 ½ Mile Road] crossing of the Michigan United Traction Company one mile east of this city. The dead are Mrs. Polly Lindsey, 64, and Mrs. E. Lampman, 45, both of Quincy." "Albion Boy has a Narrow Escape. Henry Asaro, the 10 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Tony Asaro, 800 N. Albion St., will never go fishing again on a railroad bridge. Neither will a friend of his, either who was with him Friday afternoon when Henry was caught in the middle of the Lake Shore bridge [Note: Presently the bridge on the Albion Trail just west of N. Albion St.] by a passenger train....Henry tried to lie down by the side of the rails, but was caught under the train. The train stopped while still on the bridge and Henry was taken out from under the wheels…an automobile took him to the city hospital. There it was found necessary to amputate parts of the first two fingers on the injured hand." "The Union Steel Screen Company voted to erect a large gray iron foundry on the east side of the factory on Huron St. Building operations will start immediately." Week ending May 28, 1914: "Casket Concern Starts Work Here. With the former Cook-Kneeland factory turned over to and accepted by the Cement Products Company, makers of cement caskets, by the Albion Realty Company, an organization of local men formed for the purpose of carrying through the realty deal involved, the casket concern may truly be said to be one of Albion’s established industries." Monday, May 31, 1914: "Stella, the ten month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kedo, 917 Austin Ave., died at 7 o/clock Monday morning after a short illness." "The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gallagher, 107 S. Berrien St., passed away at 3 o’clock Monday morning, aged one day." Next 100 Years Ago Article: JUNE 1914 Read more Albion 100 Years Ago articles All text copyright, 2025 © all rights reserved Frank Passic