Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.
Morning Star, February 7, 2016, pg. 3 We continue with our theme of "Albion, 100 Years Ago." Week ending February 3, 1916. "So serious is the smallpox situation becoming that general vaccination applied to every person in the city who has not been vaccinated within the last two or three years is absolutely necessary to allow the authorities to properly cope with the present conditions. The epidemic has spread to a extent to other communities from Albion." "Traction Depot on E. Erie St. Within a very few months the Michigan Railways Company and the Consumers’ Power Company will move into their own buildings on E. Erie St. The traction depot and local offices will occupy a building next to the race, with a warehouse and freight depot in back of it." Week ending February 10, 1916: "Board Says $8,000 Too Much for Site. The new school building will be located on the Dalrymple property between Ann St. and Dalrymple Boulevard, according to the action taken at the meeting of the school trustees Wednesday night. It was brought out in the meeting that the property involved is assessed on the tax rolls as worth $1,900, less than one-fourth of the amount asked the school district. Secretary Garfield was instructed to secure a local attorney and start condemnation proceedings in the circuit court at once…The superintendent also brought up the matter of new paper towel fixtures, which on motion of Trustee Garfield were ordered installed, and the purchasing of diplomas as usual." "Homer Man Shot in Florida. Leslie C. Mount lies in his room at 313 8th St. [Miami, FL] with a shattered shin bone, and E. P. Hamil, of the same address, is held under $1,000 bond as the result of a shooting affray on the front porch of the house yesterday. The affair was the culmination of trouble between the Mount and Hamil families, each of which lays the blame on the other." "The tearing down of the old Stone Mill is being watched with great interested not only by a number of humans, but also by the doves and pigeons which made their nests in the cornice of the building for many years." Week ending February 17, 1916: "Republicans Meet Without Albion. For the first time in the history of the Calhoun County Lincoln Club, the annual banquet was held Wednesday night without Albion being represented. This does not mean that there are no Republicans in Albion. Albion did not attend because the smallpox situation here has been so misrepresented in the Marshall and Battle Creek papers that the committee in charge of the banquet thought best to advertise that Albion would not be there. Albion was not there, and there was plenty of food to go around." "Leslie Quigg, 316 W. Washington St., saw a boy about to go under the ice that had broken through with him in the river back of the Quigg house Tuesday. He secured a rope and running to the bank fastened it to a tree so as to have a means of getting out. He then went out on the ice and rescued the boy, doing the trick without getting wet. The name of the lad who was rescued could not be ascertained." "The cases of two more of the foreigners taken in Monday night’s blind pig raid by Sheriff Mallory and his deputies were disposed of this morning before Justice Watson. Paul Zatolokin, charged with selling liquor in his rooms over an Albion St. store, in the foreign settlement, waived examination and was bound to the March term of the circuit court on $200 bail, which he gave. Mrs. Steve Denuchuk, 720 Austin Ave., charged with the same offense, was given a hearing. The examination was adjourned to February 28. Week ending February 24, 1916: "Charles Quigg, of W. Center St., went violently insane Monday evening and was taken into custody by Officers Doyle and Schwer. He had been sick and had lost some time at the car-shops where he was employed. His little four-year-old son also took sick, with pneumonia, and his concerns over the latter’s illness seemed to be too much for his already despondent mind." Next: BOY SCOUTS 100 CONTINUOUS YEARS OLD IN ALBION Next 100 Years Ago Article: March 1916 Read more Albion 100 Years Ago articles All text copyright, 2024 © all rights reserved Frank Passic