Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Albion 100 Years Ago - June 1917

Morning Star, June 4, 2017, pg. 6

We continue with our theme of "Albion 100 Years Ago." June 1, 1917: Advertisement. "Census Theatre Friday June 1st A benefit for the Albion Branch of the Boy Scouts of America. The Adventures of a Boy Scout. A good Picture that is Bound to Please Everyone. Buy a ticket—Hel the Boy Scouts of America. Admission 15 cents."

June 5, 1917: "With the ringing of church bells, the blowing of factory whistles and the notes of bugles sounding in every part of the city, Albion awoke this morning to face one of the most serious occasions in his history, military registration day."

June 6: "Word reached Albion through people on the eastbound interurban cars that Battle Creek was struck by a cyclone today…Later reports state that the storm took a northeasterly direction and passed between Albion and Duck Lake…It is reported that Deveraux and Springport were in the path of the cyclone and that several people were killed, but nothing definite could be learned up to 3:30 this afternoon."

"902 Young Men Register in Albion. Yesterday’s military registration day in Albion, which marked the enrollment of nearly 1,000 young men in the cause of Uncle Sam against Germany, was observed in a manner of which every citizen of this community should be highly proud. The parade procession was over a mile long, led by Washington Gardner and was followed by a splendid list of speeches."

June 8: "Albion’s new Red Cross has 1225 members. Several hundred dollars have been donated and a large number of the women members are working at the W.C.T.U. rooms sewing, and the surgical dressing class for instructors is under way at the new post office building."

"New Post Office to Open Saturday. The change from the old post office at the corner of Cass and Superior Sts. to the newly completed federal building at the corner of Michigan Avenue and N. Superior St. will be made tomorrow and Postmaster Noyes and his staff, it was announced today, will hold open house for the benefit of the public tomorrow evening from 7:00 until 10:00 o’clock. Postmaster Noyes stated that the post office will open for business in the new location Monday morning [June 11]."

"The names of the boys who are tearing down the railing at Eaton and Mechanic Sts. are known to me," said Chief of Police Hubbard today, "and if they do it again they will be punished."

"The Albion Home restaurant, formerly the Silver Moon, is being renovated by the new proprietor, Patrick Fallon and the result will be an eating place where neatness and cleanliness will be the rule."

"June 11, 1917: "New Post Office Open to Public. Albion at last has its new post office, complete in every particular and all ready for business…Hundreds of people, probably several thousands, visited the new federal structure Saturday evening, admiring its complete appointments, its capaciousness and its splendid improvements over the old post office."

June 12. "The big cap-stone of the old stone mill is being appropriately mounted by the city in Crowell Park, where it will be preserved as an interesting historical relict for many years."

"The city bath-house on S. Hannah St. was opened to the public Monday noon for the first time [NOTE: Dutchtown] this season, and over 50 young people enjoyed a swim in the Kalamazoo River on the opening day. Patrick Fanning is again the supervisor of the bathhouse and he started his summer’s duties yesterday. It is hoped that there will be a matron this year for the girls who use the swimming pool."

June 11: "The old post office is being changed over for B. E. Ludwig, who will occupy it in connection with his store one door north."

June 13, 1917: "Friday evening will occur the annual commencement of the Albion City Hospital Nurses’ Training School. There will be three graduates: Miss Crystal A. Thomas, Miss Florence M. Palmer, and Miss Esther M. Bergquist."

June 15, 1917: "G.A.R. Gets Land Free in Cemetery. As the result of action taken last evening by the City Council, the E. W. Hollingsworth Post No. 210 of the G.A.R. will receive…a piece of land adjacent to their plot in Riverside Cemetery which, the post has needed badly."

June 16, 1917: "First Slacker [Note: Failed to register for the military draft] Arrested Here. Calvin Smith, 28 years old, a Negro, is in the city jail, charged with being a slacker. He is the first man in Albion to be apprehended on this charge, which is a Federal offense."

June 25: "Negro Killed in Fight at Dance. Henry Harris, colored, of 207 Charles St. was killed Saturday night about 11:30 in a fight with James Murphy, another colored man who has been known as "Catfish Jim," who recently secured rooms for himself and wife at the home of a negro family on W. Erie St…Harris the dead man had left a bad record at his former home in Pensacola, Florida. He was being sought by Florida officers to answer a charge of forgery. William Harris, his brother, who resides at 208 Cass St., stated today that burial would take place at Riverside tomorrow."

Read more Albion 100 Years Ago articles.

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