Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Albion 100 Years Ago - AUGUST 1917

Morning Star, August 6, 2017, pg. 7

A quick reminder to my readers that my presentation "Around the World With Gwen Dew" will be this Tuesday, August 8 at 7:00 pm at the new Stirling Books & Brew bookstore, 119 N. Superior St. You will be glad you came to this.

We continue with our theme of "Albion, 100 Years Ago." August 1, 1917: "Draft Notice to be Mailed Friday. The work of selecting the 281 men who will answer the first call from Albion and Calhoun County to the new army, will not actually start until next Monday. Clerk D. W. Knickerbocker stated Tuesday that the notices to the 562 persons to be examined would be mailed out Friday."

"Many people are watching the moving of the brick elevator from Superior St. to the new foundation to the east, which was commenced yesterday afternoon. The building has been placed on rollers and it is moved by three jackscrews worked by as many men. The progress is quite slow and the building has only been moved about 10 feet."

August 3, 1917. "Palmer M. Dearing of Detroit, formerly of this city, was in this city last evening. He had been in Marshall visiting an aunt and was here to see his youngest son who is spending the summer in Albion."

"Roger Oliver, who was stabbed in a quarrel at the Hayes plant yesterday, is rapidly improving at the city hospital. The Italian, J. Licazoli, who did the stabbing, has not yet been found and apparently has made a clean getaway."

"Kindly have your money ready for the Recorder boy tomorrow morning. The boy settles every Saturday morning with the office and if you do not pay him he is short on his account. It’s a big thing to the boy when he gets his money, but it’s a hardship when you put him off a week."

August 9, 1917. "Mayor Hoaglin said that some of the colored people had suggested a separate school for the colored children of whom there are about two hundred of school age. This and other problems will be discussed at a meeting of the school board next Wednesday night, and the City Council has been asked to attend in a body."

August 16, 1917: "School Problem Confronts Trustees…With a hundred colored children or more of school age, the school board has a difficult problem to solve. Providing a separate school for the colored children was one of the plans suggested, but it was pointed out that segregation of school children along color lines is prohibited by state laws."

August 22, 1917: "William Porr, who was recently called from California to Albion to look after his interest in the Keith Bottling works at Lansing, went to that city today accompanied by Mike Magnotta. The bottling works will be sold at a mortgage sale today."

August 23, 1917. "Pentecostal meeting, corner W. Porter and S. Clinton Sts. tonight. Everybody invited. Evangelist Jacob Miller of Ft. Smith, Ark., has charge of the meeting."

August 28, 1917: "The first brick on the new paved way between Albion and Marshall was laid this morning at Layher’s corners. This is the first brick pavement to be laid on a country road in Michigan."

Read more Albion 100 Years Ago articles.

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