Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.


Morning Star, November 19, 2017, pg. 3

As we approach the holiday season, I'd like to remind my readers that I have only two titles left available in my personal inventory out of the nine (9) books I've written about Albion history. They are "Growing Up in Albion,"written in 2006, and "Albion in Review,"written in 2009. All others are sold out. These books make great gifts for relatives who used to live in Albion, or to have on your coffee table to read while you are waiting for Thanksgiving dinner, or waiting for the football game to start. Email me at: Albionfp@hotmail.com or call (517) 629-5402 for ordering information if you'd like to purchase copies.

It is that time of the year for our city workers to install our annual holiday decorations on Superior St., which they have been doing. This has traditionally been accomplished by Thanksgiving Day in order to have the lights fully shining throughout the season for the festivities that occur in our downtown area. Albion Aglow is coming up on December 1st, and our new brick street will certainly be an added attraction this year.

From our Historical Notebook this week we feature a photograph of the public works department, in cooperation with the Albion Fire Department, installing Christmas decorations (that's what they were called back then) in the 100 block of N. Superior St. This photo was taken on Wednesday, November 25, 1965, the day before Thanksgiving. My first thought when viewing this photograph was, "Hey, where's the snow?"

The city's aerial fire truck is being used "to get the tinsel and signs strung across the street,"as reported at the time. The city worker seems to be enjoying his ride at the top of the ladder as he fastens the tinsel to the support wire. Notice all of the various businesses in this section of N. Superior St. at the time. Do you remember these?

A happy Thanksgiving to all my readers of this column. Go ahead, eat that extra piece of pumpkin pie.

Installing the Christmas decorations on Nov 25, 1965 in downtown Albion


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