Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Albion 100 Years Ago - MAY 1918

Morning Star, May 6, 2018, pg. 4

We continue with our theme of "Albion, 100 Years Ago." May 11, 1918. "100th Birthday of Grandma Blakeley. Tomorrow, Sunday May 12, which is observed throughout the nation as Mother’s Day, the First Methodist Church of Albion will observe the 100th birthday of its oldest member, Mrs. Juliet Calhoun Blakeley. On Monday, May 13, Mrs. Blakeley will reach the century mark."

May 11, 1918. "Postmaster W. R. Noyes is looking for the loan of an Italian flag to fly over the post office building under the national emblem on next Friday, May 24. That day will be the anniversary of the entrance of Italy into the great world struggle and our government has asked Mr. Noyes to fly the Italian flag that day."

May 13, 1918. "Two sons of Mr. and Mrs. George Walker, N. Berrien St., 8 and 9 years old respectively, started yesterday morning for Sunday school but decided that it would be more exciting to walk to the home of relatives south of Homer—5 miles away."

"The Deyoe grocery store on Austin Ave. has changed hands, the new firm name being Weaver & Davis. John H. Weaver and Clarence Davis took over the business today. Mrs. Deyoe has been running the store since the death of her husband."

May 16, 1918: "Class Four Men are Moved Up. The county draft board Wednesday received decisions from the district appeal board at Lansing…The others have been transferred from Class four to one and are subject to call. They are as follows (Albion men): Walter G. Sprague, Albert G. Frank, Harry Andrews, Edwin A. Goll, James Sullivan, and Carl Krisowski."These men must now undergo a physical examination (Albion men): Norman Adams (colored), Mike Bogogaletz, Jacob Kanak, Bennie Kuchnewitz, Fred Samoluk."

"The Boy Scouts of Troop No. 1 enjoyed a hike to Dunk’s Cove last evening. An out of doors feed added zest to the occasion. The boys were accompanied by Scoutmaster D. E. Reed and B. E. Ludwig, one of the committee."

May 17, 1918: "Albert Bohm had word from his brother George today that Sousa’s band of 250 pieces will pass through Albion on the M.C. between 4 and 6 o’clock this afternoon and will probably stop here. They are on a special train bound for Detroit."

"Charles C. Blakeley received word today that the government had taken over his office and sample room in the Grand Central Palace in New York City for office purposes."

"Albion’s independent military company is making rapid strides under the instruction of B. Blanchard. Nearly 609 men are now enrolled and drills are held every Tuesday and Thursday evening."

May 21, 1918: "Up to 1 o’clock this afternoon no trace has been found of Napoleon Daniel, the colored man who escaped yesterday from the city jail. The authorities think that he may have had a confederate who helped him break the lock of the jail. His father lives here and his mother in Pensacola, Florida." Advertisement: "Albion Housewife Becomes New Woman. All of our best doctors had given me up. I was unable to leave my bed for 16 weeks and was yellow as a pumpkin, besides the terrible stomach pains I suffered. Our druggist advised my husband to try Mary’s Wonderful Remedy and it has saved my live. I am a new woman now. L. C. Van Gorden, Druggist."

May 22, 1918: "The case of the City of Albion vs. the Michigan Central Railroad started more than a year ago when the railway raised their tracks higher than the level of the city streets, was dismissed by stipulation in the circuit court Monday. The railroad has paid for the sloping of the streets to the present level of the tracks."[NOTE: This is the main line crossing]

May 23, 1918. "Dalrymple School Open to the Public. There will be a public opening of the new Dalrymple School Friday afternoon and evening to which the people of Albion are invited. While the school has been in use for several months, no formal opening has yet been held."

May 24, 1918: "The grading for the remaining 5 miles of monolithic brick pavement between Albion and Marshall, will be completed within 2 weeks and the road will be in use this fall…Monolithic brick construction is a new development in road engineering. No cushion of sand is used between the cement base and the brick surfacing."

"The formal opening of Dalrymple School attracted a large number of patrons this afternoon who took the opportunity to look over Albion’s model grade school."

"The home of Thomas Lloyd, 801 Perry St., was placarded for smallpox today by the health officer Dr. A. F. Hafford, who learned of the case today."

May 28, 1918: "One of the Recorder readers living in the country says that while we are on the subject of rough roads in the city, mention of the Irwin Avenue road near the city limits, should not be omitted. She states that this road is a disgrace to the city. We think perhaps she is right. Some of the approaches to our city are in such wretched condition that they are capable of being a whole lot better, even if perfection cannot be attained. Why not try the road drags after a rain like yesterday’s?"

May 30, 1918: "At a brief meeting of the city council last evening, Walter E. Baumgardner former City engineer, was unanimously chosen city manager, succeeding A L. Sloman, who has gone with the colors."

From our Historical Notebook this week we present a photograph of Juliet (Calhoun) Blakeley (1818-1920), who celebrated her 100th birthday one-hundred years ago.

Juliet Calhoun Blakeley, 1913


Next 100 Years Ago Article: June 1918

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