Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Albion 100 Years Ago - MARCH 1921

Morning Star, March 7, 2021, pg. 10

A note to my readers: Until I can get access to the old newspaper microfilm again, this will be the last 100 years ago feature for a while. I was fortunate to have been "a year ahead" copying microfilm stories when the library closings happened a year ago. When I have access to newspaper microfilm again, we’ll resume this series, and I’ll post the "missing months" on the www.albionmich.com website where my column is reproduced.

We continue with our theme of "Albion, 100 Years Ago." March 1, 1921. Headlines: "Suggests City Opens Up Ionia St. Under M.C. Henry R. Wochholz Makes Valuable Suggestion to City Officials, Would Make Safe Passageway Under Railroad Tracks and Allow Fire-Trucks Instant Access to North Side."

March 3, 1921. "Lewis Wilson, the college student who has been confined at the hospital for the past two weeks with a light case of smallpox, was able to leave today."

"The school in District No. 4 Sheridan Township, is closed on account of an epidemic of diphtheria. There has been one death, a boy name Tracey. Miss Frances Landenberger the teacher, is here today."

"Mrs. Harriett Dalrymple Day and daughter Jane, former residents of Albion but now of Detroit, are located for the remainder of the winter at the Engstrum Apartment hotel at Los Angeles, CA."

March 11, 1921. "The largest motor sales corporation ever organized in Albion which will take over the local agency of the Ford automobile and the Fordson Tractor, held until recently by McCarty & Bealer, has just been formed here. It will be known as the Albion Motor Sales Company. The men behind the new venture are Harry Richards, present proprietor of the Albion garage, and W. Ernest King of Homer, who has conducted a garage in that village for several years, and Byron Doolittle, president of the Tekonsha bank."

March 14, 1921. "Miss Helen Luedtke, S. Eaton St. was injured this noon, when an auto ran over one foot." "Chief of Police Clyde Stoddard wants attention drawn to the city ordinance requiring chicken owners to keep their birds shut up. So many complaints are coming to him the chief states, that he will make some arrests if the law is not observed."

March 15, 1921. An old sign carrying the words "National Exchange Bank of Albion" was uncovered this morning by Weston Brothers, who are putting a new front in the Graves building. The National Exchange was the predecessor of the Albion National bank which failed with a loss of over $300,000 January 2, 1912."

Edward Brewer of Homer, charged with taking hams and bacon from the smoke house on the farm of George Morris, located two miles south of Homer, was arrested Sunday by Deputy Sheriff King of Marshall, and brought to the county jail."

March 16, 1921. William Dubina of this city died yesterday at the county farm near Marshall, of consumption. He was about thirty years old and a cousin of Mike Dubina of this city."

March 19, 1921. Headline: "Baltimore Pastor Called to Head Albion College. Dr. J. W. Laird is Successor to Dr. Dickie."

"Liquor Raid Results in One Arrest. One man, Paul Particle, a Polish molder, four gallons of raisin whiskey, several parts of stills and a large quantity of raisin mash fell into the hands of the authorities early last night as the result of a rain on several houses in the foreign settlement made by state police, state drug and food inspectors, members of the sheriff’s force, and city officials."

March 21, 1921: "Dr. Washington Gardner of this city has been named U.S. Commissioner of Pensions by President Warren G. Harding, according to a message received by him today from Washington, D.C. The new honor which comes to Albion’s distinguished citizen is a great one and it was only through his excellent qualifications and his entire fitness for the pension job that he was considered the right man for the position."

March 31, 1921. "Stokoe Store in Devereaux Robbed Again." For the third time in two months, the general store of E. E. Stokoe in the village of Devereaux, northeast of Albion seven miles, was broken into by burglars early yesterday morning, and a quantity of merchandise was taken….The money was in the till of the post office, which is located in Mr. Stokoe’s store. If the thieves are caught it will probably mean prosecution from the federal as well as the local authorities as the stolen money was part of the post office receipts."

"Emil F. Neitzka, Fitch St., received a painful injury to his right eye yesterday while at work at the Gale Manufacturing Company’s plant. A piece of steel flew into the optic, cutting the ball transversely…It is thought that Mr. Neitzka will be able to use the injured optic within two or three weeks."


Next 100 Years Ago Article: April 1921

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