Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Albion 100 Years Ago - DECEMBER 1921

Morning Star, November 28, 2021, pg. 3

We continue with our theme of "Albion, 100 Years Ago." December 2, 1921: Robert Covington, a colored man, was placed under arrest this morning charged with the theft of three automobile tires found today in a N. Ann St. barn and identified as the property of George McKim of South Albion, from whose car they were stolen last Saturday night."

December 3, 1921: "It was announced today that Lyman G. Ray, at present superintendent of Riverside Cemetery, had purchased the Groff Garage on E. Cass St., which was started by the late Charles Groff. Vern Encke, who has been in charge of the garage since Mr. Groff’s recent death, will be retained by Mr. Ray."

"Thieves visited the rear of the store of Warren Nowlin in Marengo last night and got away with meat and other articles of food that had been purchased for the Nowlin Sunday dinner."

"Charles Wickens, proprietor of the Wicken’s Tire and Repair Shop, has completed extensive improvements to his shop and store in the Striker Garage building on Michigan Avenue."

"Tuesday and Wednesday were popcorn days in Springport, the International Co. shipping two cars to their plant at Brooklyn."

December 5, 1921: "The brick work on the new union freight house on N. Clinton St. was not started until this morning because of inclement weather Saturday. The contractors stated today that the building would be entirely finished by January 15."

"Heard Around Albion. Harold Tillotson of Homer was here Saturday." "Mrs. Julia Merritt is seriously ill at her home on W. Center St." "Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Linton of Homer visited in Albion Saturday evening." "Willard Reed of Lansing spent a week-end at the home of his parents here."

"Stanley Viscwek pled guilty before Justice Philo D. Wright this morning to a charge of being intoxicated and paid a fine of $10 and costs. He also agreed to pay Robert Coscarelli, S. Superior St., fruit-dealer, the cost of replacing an $85 plate-glass window. It seems that Viscwek, while intoxicated, fell asleep in the Coscarelli store Sunday evening about 6 o’clock, and when he was told to leave, he objected. When he was finally put out, however, he hurled an empty ice cream tub through the south window of the store. Officer Albert Schwer arrested him."

December 9, 1921: "Auto Stolen From Albion Man Located. That he drove from Jackson to Davenport, Iowa in an automobile belonging to Herman C. Kamp which he stole in Jackson, was the confession from Norman C. Miller, Jackson youth, held in Davenport for highway robbery early Sunday morning."

December 10, 1921: "The appraisal committee appointed by the school board to ascertain the value of residence property wanted for the new school site, held a meeting last evening and will make a full report to the school board Monday evening."

December 12, 1921: "Victor Roussin of Cadillac has purchased and taken possession of the Turner Pharmacy on N. Superior St., which has been successfully conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Norris G. Turner since they purchased it from Charles W. Roberts, sometime more than a year ago."

December 13, 1921: "A resolution passed unanimously last evening by the city board of education calls for the holding of a special election to vote on the proposition to bond the local district for $150,000 for the erection of a unit of the new high school, on Wednesday, January 4."

December 19, 1921: Headline: "People Turned Away From St. Paul’s Cantata. Large Crowd Packs Church for Annual Christmas Concert. Entertainment Will be Repeated for the Benefit of Those Who Were Unable to Gain Admission."

"L. H. Skinner, for the past six years with the Albion garage as foreman of the repair department, has gone into partnership with Lyman G. Ray in the Cass St. garage, it was announced today."

"A blizzard which was accompanied by an extremely fierce wind and snowfall of over an inch, struck this section late Saturday night."

December 23, 1921: "An important business deal was concluded today between William J. Gleason of Jackson and Robert E. Lawless, proprietor of the Weaver Inn located on the corner of Michigan Avenue and N. Superior St., whereby Mr. Gleason will become the proprietor, taking possession January 1st."


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