Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.
Morning Star, June 16, 2024, pg. 7 We continue with our theme of "Albion, 100 Years Ago." June 3, 1924. "E. F. Hoaglin, secretary of the Business Men's Association, states that the custom of having weekly band concerts in Victory Park or on a downtown street, will be continued during the coming season, starting tomorrow evening a 8 o'clock in Victory Park." "The senior class of Albion College has voted to make their memorial take the form of the new main entrance to the Alumni Field of the college. The gateway will be called the "Dickie Entrance. The present graduating class was the last to enter Albion under the administration of Dr. Dickie." June 5, 1924. "William Hoaglin, a young man living on S. Ionia St., pled guilty before Justice L. T. Wright this morning to a charge of violating the city ordinance by driving an automobile with the cut-out open." June 9, 1924. An attempt was made Saturday night or early Sunday morning to rob the Albion post office. All that was missing after a check-up had been made was: a fountain pen belonging to Mr. Blanchard, three 45-caliber revolvers, two of them Smith and Wesson's and the other a Colt, kept in the building for protective purposes, and a large jack-knife owned by Mr. Mallory." Advertisement: "Ku Klux Klan Public Invitation Meeting Monday June 9, 1 ½ miles southwest, on Hugh Allen Farm." "Although the Homer Village council declared the town to be back on Central time, after three weeks of Eastern time, most Homer people and business places as well as the schools and churches, are adhering to the fast time, Meanwhile, the council meets on one time, and the other village activities are conducted on another." June 11, 1924. Headline: "Albion Women's Christian Temperance Union Observes 50th Anniversary. History of National and Local Organization is Sketched by Mrs. Ellen Wartman in Meeting Tuesday Afternoon." June 12, 1924. Headline: "Albion College Dormitory Lost by Lack of Will. Careful Search of Home of the Late Mrs. Madelon Stockwell Turner Fails to Reveal the Document and Heirs are Expected to Inherit Fortune." Text: "Mrs. Turner, several years ago, it is said, promised to leave most of her property to the Methodist Institution…Hidden in a secret panel in the woman's home, $16,000 in cash and valuables worth several thousand dollars were found Wednesday by Coroner R. S. Cook." No will has yet been found, disposing of the estate which is estimated as worth over $100,000." June 14, 1924. "Two farms near Concord were raided by Jackson County sheriff's officers Friday afternoon and a quantity of liquor and mash was found at each place. Henry Swank and Tony Kulinich, the latter being a former Alboin resident, were arrested on Swank's farm where the officers found two complete stills in the barn and other strong evidence of liquor-making. Mrs. Mary Skalski was arrested at her farm, after officers found parts of a still, a quantity of mash, and some moonshine whiskey concealed about her place. She formerly lived in Albion, also." "Colored residents of Battle Creek, Jackson, Detroit, and all other cities of Michigan plan to attend the emancipation celebration to be held in Albion August 1. This is to be featured under the auspices of the Victoria Lodge F & A.M. and fully 2,000 people are expected to participate." June 16, 1924. Headline: "$100,000 Bequest for the College Announced Today. Will of Mrs. Turner found in Kalamazoo. Document Located in Safety Deposit Box in Kazoo Bank Designates Albion College as Beneficiary of Will of Former President's Daughter." June 20, 1924. "Work was started today by the Schumacher Construction Company on the new filling-station for the Albion Co-operative Oil Company, at the southwest corner of Ash and Superior Sts." "Eugene LaMastus, W. Porter St., left the city today for a visit of a couple of weeks at Lexington and Bowling Green, Ky. He was born near Bowling Green but has not been there for more than twenty years." "Alex Holoweko of this city was arrested Wednesday night by Deputy Game and Fish Warden D. E. O'Leary charged with catching undersized calico bass and bluegills on Montcalm Lake. He pleaded guilty in Justice W. S. Smith's court at Marshall and paid a $5 fine and $4.50 costs." June 24, 1924. "Albion people will be saddened to hear of the death of a one-time resident, James Shanley age 67, which occurred at his home in Detroit last evening. He was Mayor of Albion in 1901-02, and whatever duties of any sort fell to him he performed with conscientious zeal." "Tom and Gardner Lloyd, Washington D. C., arrived today to spend the summer with their mother Mrs. Howard Manchester, at the home of their grandparent's, Mr. and Mrs. Washington Gardner. Lyle Eastman accompanied them from Washington." "Calcium chloride will be used on Albion streets this summer, to prevent dust, providing the residents wish it." June 30, 1924. "A party of city and county officials raided the residents of John Mymochod, 928 Chauncey St. about 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon, and found John personally supervising a liquor still which was running full blast. John was arrested and taken to the county jail at Marshall on a charge of violating the liquor laws."
All text copyright, 2025 © all rights reserved Frank Passic