Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.


Albion Recorder, October 20, 1997, pg. 4

Some sections of downtown Albion are hard to get photographs of. One such location is the building at 416-418 S. Superior St., presently the site of the Albion Chamber of Commerce, and John Sharp Real Estate, respectively. During the 1930s through the 1960s it was the location of the Albion Theatre, and later the Spiegel Catalog Sales.

The building was erected in the 1890s by Ira Lambson who operated his livery there. It subsequently became the Thompson and Courtright livery, owned by Edgar L. Thompson and Jay L. Courtright. There was a center arch in which wagons would be driven up a ramp into the building. The firm also sold feed and related merchandise.

This week we present a rare 1911 photograph from a postcard owned by Wayne Crandall showing the Thompson and Courtright livery on the corner. Unfortunately, the large Dutch elm tree and an electric pole obscure the center arch. Notice the horse-drawn buggies parked on the left side of the street headed north. If you have old photographs of downtown Albion such as this one, let me know as it is always a treat to share scenes like this one with our readers.

Thompson and Courtright Livery 1911


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