Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.


Morning Star, April 30, 2006, pg. 16

Each year at this time we present the Albion High School Class from 100 years ago. The AHS Class of 1906 had 34 members. 15 were girls, while 19 were boys. This was the first time that boys outnumbered the girls in a graduating class. The class motto was “He Conquers who Will,” which sounds like a clandestine version of the more proper Latin “Vincit Qui Se Vincit,” or “He Conquers who Conquers Himself.” Valedictorian of the class was Marian E. Rosenbrook.

Commencement exercises were held in the local Methodist Church on E. Erie St. as was the custom, on June 7, 1906. Instructor Miss Jennie Worthington was in charge of the music program for the evening. Selections included the Hungarian March by Broyer; “Swing Song” by Lohr, and “Out on the Deep” also by Lohr. A group of sixth graders performed “The Fairies” by Spence at the beginning of the evening. The speaker for the evening was Judge Clement Smith of Hastings, who spoke on the topic, “The Use of a Talent.”

Some notable class members included Stanley Noakes (1888-1987), the oldest surviving member of the Class who attended the 1985 all-class reunion held at the Albion Armory. Another was Robert Clyde Gildart, who attended West Point Military Academy and served as an officer in World War I. Most class members were still living in Albion when an alumni directory was published in 1908, except as noted here in this list of member of the class of 1906 along with their occupations: Ruth Mildred Aldrich, student at the Normal College in Ypsilanti; Ethel Rae Baker, student Albion College (AC); Ella May Birmingham, milliner; John William Broxholm, student AC; Dawne Elizabeth Brunner, student AC; Hugh Raynard Carson, teacher; Rockwell Paul Clancy, student AC; Otto William Conrad, Detroit; Agnes Cooper, teacher, Marengo; Floyd Smith Davis, Michigan United Railways, Battle Creek; Ivah Doolittle, teacher; Emanuel Rothaermel Ford, Gale Mfg. Co; Laurence Fleming Foster, student AC; Robert Clyde Gildart, cadet at Military Academy West Point, NY; Stephen Henry Howey, Lake City; Mary Margaret Kern, bookkeeper; Clicord Keller Knickerbocker, student AC; Katherine Clare Ludlow, Springport; Elizabeth Elinor Miller, teacher; Clarence Torrey Mudge, student AC.

Stanley Elliott Noakes, student AC; M. Mable Orrison, student AC; Rollo Kirke Packard, student, Medical College, Chicago; Clarence Carlyn Peabody, student, Leland Stanford, Palo Alto, Calif; Edith Janet Pugh; Gipsy Mabel Robinson, student AC; Marion Eliza Rosenbrook teacher; Clyde Norman Sanders, Gale Mfg. Co; Harry Thomas Saxton, student AC; Edna May Sloan, teacher Mt. Pleasant; William Ray Sloan, Chicago; Elsie May Smith, teacher, Seattle, WA; Dow Silvers Wiselogle, mail carrier, Jackson.

Unfortunately, the Class of 1906 was camera-shy or else we haven’t located a class photograph we could print here. Some probably exist with descendants. Are any of our readers descended from members of the Albion High School Class of 1906?

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All text copyright, 2024 © all rights reserved Frank Passic

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