Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.

Albion 100 Years Ago - JULY, 1912

Morning Star, July 1, 2012, pg. 3

Be sure and support our local Albion fireworks this week along the banks of the Kalamazoo River by Riverside Cemetery and Barnes Park.

From our Historical Notebook this week we present one of those unidentified 50th wedding anniversary photos from around the late 1950s. Do any of our readers know who this couple might be? If you do, please contact me at my e-mail Albionfp@hotmail.com, or call me at (517) 629-5402.

Unidentified 50th wedding anniversary photo (Bernhard "Ben" and Bertha Kabel)

We continue with our theme of "Albion, 100 Years Ago." Week ending July 4, 1912. "To Consider the Oiling of Streets. Common Council will investigate matter of dust abatement at suggestion of civic league."

"It is gradually breaking in on many people that Albion is enjoying a quiet but nevertheless strong and healthy boom. The general census of opinion among the factory heads, the retail merchants and the real estate firms is that business, in spite of its being the eve of a presidential campaign, was never better. While Kalamazoo and several other cities in the state are warning labor way, Albion is welcoming it."

"Library Closed for Two Months. The board of directors of the Albion Library regret to announce that owing to the lack of sufficient funds for successful maintenance it has been decided to close the institution during the months of July and August."

"Pensioned after 55 Years of Service. Patrick Fanning, well know to every resident of Albion as the flag-man at the Cass St. crossing of the Michigan Central, has been a faithful and efficient employee of the railroad and because he has reached the age of 70, the limit fixed by the management of the road, has been placed on the pension list of the company."

"Black Ditch Sewer Well Under Way."One-third of Big Tube already laid by William Porr and his Laborers. Have Passed Culver St. with Construction Work. Although many people in the city are probably of the opinion that very little is being done on the controversy of the big Black Ditch Sewer system this summer, William Porr and his men are quietly working away on the job which is the biggest ever attempted by an Albion sewer commissioner."

"Mrs. Madelon Turner of Kalamazoo, who was the first woman to graduate from the University of Michigan [actually, she was the first woman admitted there] and who received the degree of Bachelor of Arts at the commencement exercises at Ann Arbor Thursday, was the guest of Mrs. Julia Reed, W. Erie St., for the weekend."

Week ending July 11, 1912: "Homer C. Blair Made President of Bank. At a meeting last week of the directors of the Commercial & Savings Bank, Homer C. Blair was chosen president to fill the vacancy caused by the recent death of Dr. Frank E. Palmer. Mr. Blair has been a director for a number of years."

"At last the memorial erected by loyal Albion friends to the memory of Jesse Crowell has been completed with the placing of the marker. This last step was held up by the failure of the Albion National Bank, in which some of the monument funds were deposited. Friends made up the amount necessary to pay for the marker."

Week ending July 25, 1912: "According to farmers in the immediate vicinity of Albion, the peach crop this year is a total loss. Heavy frosts and a late spring are said to be the cause of the big loss."

"The stand pipe in Washington Park overflowed Thursday night, due to some lack of attention somewhere, and a considerable amount of damage was done in the park as a result. Some of the flower beds were washed out, as was also part of the gravel walk leading from the center of the park to the Baptist Church, the stream of water washing the gravel into Superior St."

Next: 1940 CENSUS

Next 100 Years Ago Article: August 1912

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All text copyright, 2024 © all rights reserved Frank Passic

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