Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.
Morning Star, December 28, 2014, pg. 3 Happy New Year everyone! We continue with our theme of "Albion, 100 Years Ago." Week ending January 7, 1915. Someone broke into the ticket office of the Detroit Toledo & Mackinaw depot at Eckford Tuesday night but with no apparent criminal intent, as the money drawer was not tampered with. The office window was pried open and aside from upsetting the ink and mucilage, little was disturbed." Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Starr of the Starr Commonwealth, today undertook something out of the ordinary by accepting a boy for their home who has been an inmate of the state industrial school at Lansing for the past year. The lad, who is 15 years old, will make the fifteenth boy at the commonwealth. To make room for him it will be necessary to place a bed in the little schoolhouse at the Starr home, as the cottage is filled to its capacity." "Residents of Mechanic St. will benefit by a recent order of the common council which will provide for one hundred watt tungsten lights for that thoroughfare instead of the sixty watt variety, as had been planned at first." "At a recent conference held at the East Eckford Church it was decided to have the three Eckford churches federate. T. J. Shipp and Luther Ranger of the West Eckford Church, John Putnam, Mr. Wilson and Earl Ferguson of the East Eckford Church, and William Hoffman of the station were appointed a committee to complete the necessary plans. Week ending January 14, 1915. "Malleable Installs First-Aid Room. The AMICO has just finished and put into commission a most completely equipped room for the first-aid-to-the-injured work. The building is of brick, a continuation of the clock house, and opens into the street and into the company’s yard. The Company’s doctor has regular hours for attending to cases. Week ending January 21, 1915: "G. H. Butler, the promoter of the coal mine north of the city, was in Albion Thursday and was interviewed by the Recorder. The spring will see a number of carloads of the high grade bituminous fuel shipped out from this city every day, says Mr. Butler, and will continue for an indefinite period as there is enough coal on hand at the Albion mine to keep it going for many years." "A shooting affair that occurred Friday evening at the home of George Miner, two and one-half miles south of Albion on the Homer Road, caused much excitement in the city. The person who was shot was Roy A. Bradley, who lives on the Ray Haight farm, and his alleged assailant is William Flannery, who lives with George Miner." Week ending January 28, 1915. "Laborer Killed at Malleable. John Wasik, employed in the foundry of the Malleable Iron Company, was instantly killed at the company’s plant Tuesday when a quantity of pig iron fell upon him. The dead man resided at 897 Austin Ave. He leaves a wife and two children in his native land of Poland, and a brother-in-law who works in a local factory." "The popcorn stand owned by Mrs. Bradley Waterman, which has been operated by her for many years at the Bullen store corner of Erie and Superior Sts. was moved Monday by Marshal Winchell to her property on E. Mulberry St. This was in compliance with a recent order of the common council." "We find that John Wasik came to his death by an accident in the Albion Malleable Iron Foundry, was the verdict returned by the coroner’s jury in Justice McCutcheon’s court today. The jury, while not blaming the company for the tragedy, made a recommendation that the Malleable people procure and post about the foundry cards printed in different languages warning the workmen of the danger of remaining under the overhead track that carries the traveling crane. Such cards are already posted but are in English only. The jury recommended that they be printed in Italian, Russian, Polish, and Austrian as well." Next 100 Years Ago Article: February 1915 Read more Albion 100 Years Ago articles All text copyright, 2025 © all rights reserved Frank Passic