Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.

Albion 100 Years Ago - JUNE 1921

Unpublished due to lack of access to microfilm during COVID-19 restrictions

We continue with our theme of "Albion, 100 Years Ago." June 1, 1921. "Eight Take out Milk Licenses. Only 8 milk dealers have taken out the licenses required by the city ordinance up to noon today. The dealers who have complied….are the following: A. J. Rutz, Ben Miller, Kline & Kline, William Duttlinger, W. F. Rosenau, Robert Warner, Titus Russell, and August Kamp."

June 4, 1921. "L. Trine & Sons, this city, have just secured a contract for Kellastoning the old Byron Angevine home in South Albion, on the Concord Road just e4ast of the Benham School house."

June 5, 1921. "Work has been started at Alumni Field (Albion College), putting in additional panels on the cement fence which will in time surround the entire athletic ground of Albion College. Fifteen of these panels will be built, making the improvement a substantial one. Thirteen of these will be on the railroad side and the other two on Hannah St. Lohrke Brothers are doing the work."

June 9, 1921. "James McCoy of Albion, the colored child who has been at the detention home at Marshall for the past four weeks, was taken to Ann Arbor yesterday for treatment at the U. of M. hospital."

"Mrs. A.J. Wilder, S. Monroe St., and daughter, Miss Audrey Wilder arrived in the city this morning from New York City where Miss Wilder received her Master’s degree at Columbia University last week."

"The city authorities as painting new parking lines on Superior St., as well as lines designating the cross walks on that thoroughfare to prevent "jay-walking."

June 13, 1921. "Dr. Dickie Closes Splendid Career as Albion Head. Albion’s President has Seen Attendance Doubled and the Income Tripled During His Term as President. The remarkable record of Dr. Samuel Dickie’s connection with Albion College for 49 years will be closed this week with the most unique commencement in the history of Michigan’s only Methodist College."

June 16, 1921. Five students will be graduated from Springport High School at the 1921 Commencement exercises to be held Thursday evening, June 233, in the school auditorium. The members of the class are: Florence Livingston, Dorothy LaDue, Ross Cortright, George Honeywell, and Theodore Clawson."

June 27, 1921.Cicerl Luckey, Albion, has started a suit against his wife Jeanno Luckey in order that he can stop the payment of $1,250, which he was informed by Postmaster Willard R. Noyes was on deposit."


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All text copyright, 2024 © all rights reserved Frank Passic

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