Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.


Morning Star, February 1, 2004, pg. 13

We thought our readers might like to know that Bobby Parker, one of Albion’s earliest minority Eagle Scouts (1944) and the subject of this column on June 1, 2003, passed away in Battle Creek on Saturday, January 24 after a long illness. He was well-known in the Battle Creek area for his jazz music and his club, “Bobby’s Place” there on Main St.

We continue with our theme of “Albion--100 Years Ago.” Week ending February 4, 1904: “Wedding bells. Postmaster Frank Luell Irwin of this city, and Mrs. Estella A. Frank were married at high noon today at the home of the bride, 55 Melbourne Avenue, Detroit. Upon their return they will be at home at their apartments, recently fitted up in the Sheldon Block.”

“Court News. In the case of the People vs. Herman Steinkraus, charged with violation of school law, the court deemed it best not to hold the defendant. The Defendant promised to send his daughter to school as soon as she was well enough to attend.”

“William Eckmeyer, who lives one mile out on Erie St. west, in Sheridan, was arrested by Under Sheriff F. A. Graham Thursday morning. The man is charged by Poor Sup’t Frank Labeteaux with neglecting his family. The children aged 9, 6, and 4 respectively were found by the officer in a deplorable condition, huddling amid squalor and dirt about a smoldering fire. The wife is in an inmate of the Kalamazoo insane asylum. Judge Lane intimated that the children would be sent to the Coldwater State School.”

“The Duck Lake drain case, which has been dragging along in the circuit court for the last three weeks, will be finished in a few days. It grew out of an attempt by the board of health of the Township of Clarence to dam the ditch which drains Duck Lake.”

“H. L. Cronin of Marshall, is about to engage in a unique but lucrative industry: that of raising frogs for the city and the country markets on a large scale and in view of this has leased about 300 acres of marshland which will be utilized by him as a frog farm.”

“H.F. Dew, a florist, who recently moved here from Eaton Rapids, and rented A. M. Lockard’s vacant store, met with rather harsh treatment from his landlord last Friday morning. It is reported that Mr. Lockard went into the store about 10 a.m. and asked for his rent; that Mr. Dew replied that he would be unable to pay at present, and that words followed and Mr. Lockard gave his renter a shaking up. As Mr. Dew is getting old and has a very troublesome hernia which became misplaced, he was left in a serious condition, unable to call for help until 3 o’clock in the afternoon. A doctor and nurse were called and his son, Arthur H. Dew, a florist of Albion, was sent for. His son took him to his home in Eaton Rapids the following day and it is reported that he has since taken him to Ann Arbor. Garry Fox has been retained as counselor by the Dews.”

Week ending February 11, 1904: Articles of incorporation of the firm of Groff, Herrick & Barney, under the name of Albion Lumber Company, have been filed with the secretary of state.”

Week ending February 18, 1904: “Robert Cascarelli, the Italian banana vendor near Franklin & Dorrance’s got into an altercation with Welch Powers and George Gillett Wednesday over some tobacco which he claimed the boys had stolen. Hasty blows were exchanged and when last seen the banana man was seeking a warrant in Justice Lane’s court with blood in his eye.”

Week ending February 25, 1904: “The Michigan Central pay car left $30,000 in $20 gold pieces with its Jackson employees this month. Since the enlargement of the shops in that city and the increased force has been placed on the payrolls, it is estimated that the disbursements of the company in Jackson would average $100,000 a month.”

Next 100 Years Ago article: MARCH 1904

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