Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Morning Star, April 1, 2007, pg. 3

We continue with our theme of “Albion--100 Years Ago.” Week ending April 4, 1907: “Albion Boys are Successful. Clyde Gildart and Emmanuel Ford Stand at Front in Examinations. Congressman Well Pleased. The recommendation examination for appointees to West Point was held all day yesterday in Robinson Hall at the College. There were two departments in which the candidates were examined: academic and physical.”

“A special Lake Shore depot train will leave for Springport. 75 full-fledged Eagles will be on board and it is quite probably that the keys of the village of Springport will be turned over on their arrival. The occasion of the descent upon Springport is a class of 16 Eaglets who will be given wings tonight. Springport has a number of members in the Albion Aerie and the courtesy of a special trip was extended to this large class.”

Week ending April 11, 1907: “The Universal Machine Company of Albion, filed articles of association Wednesday with County Clerk Hart. The company will manufacture a type setting machine.” “The Austin Avenue grocery store of the late Frank Reed has been bought by Mr. Oxby, of Partello, and Will Krenerick, of Sheridan. Both young men are well known here.”

“The W.W. Osmun Dairy Company has purchased the Hartung milk route and will run both wagons.” “W. Pearl Peabody of Denver, Co, a former Albion boy, is a delegate to the National Railway Accounting Officers association to be held in Atlantic City, NJ on April 18.”

“Mrs. W.H. Stevens, who lives in Pearl St., suffered a serious fall last week because of a poor sidewalk in front of the Arthur Eslow property in W. Erie St. Mrs. Stevens is nearly 70 years of age and she was thrown headlong by tripping on a loose board, which was raised by Mrs. Stevens’ companion, who stepped onto the end of it. A damage suit against the city is a probability.”

Week ending April 18, 1907: “Albion is becoming quite a horse market. Yesterday a carload of horses was shipped from this city to Buffalo. The horses were bought at Powers’ livery barn and 28 finer looking animals have not been seen for some time.”

Week ending April 25, 1907: “Clyde Gildart, who has been designated as an appointee to West Point, has received word from the authorities that his Albion High School standings are sufficient to admit him without further examination, other than the physical one.”

“The peach crop may be safe, but according to local frog experts the recent cold spells have utterly shattered all hope of even an average frog crop from the swamps about the city.”


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