Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.

Albion 100 Years Ago - SEPTEMBER, 1907

Morning Star, September 2, 2007, pg. 14

If your Albion High School class is having a reunion this month, why not have a copy of my book “Growing Up in Albion” at your event? This book will bring back lots of memories for your classmates and will definitely evoke nostalgic conversation.

We continue with our theme of “Albion--100 Years Ago.” Week ending September 5, 1907: “Grover Cleveland, who works at the post office, raises a small garden during his spare moments and as a raiser of cucumbers he takes first prize. This morning he brought downtown a single cucumber that weighed two pounds and was a foot long. The fruit was still green and showed no signs of having reached maturity.”

Week ending September 19, 1907. “Russian Woman Roped Him. Helen Ignatuk, a Woman who Hails From Far Off Russia, is a Peacemaker. Sunday afternoon, Joe Lucas, of Russian extraction, lost his temper while engaged in a wrestle at the settlement and tried to use brass knuckles on a brother countryman. The victim of his wrath was Joe Schlozsky and only the timely intervention of Helen Ignatuk saved him from a terrible beating. Lucas is what is known as a bad man and it is told that he killed a man before leaving his native country. He had most of his countrymen too, frightened to interfere with him, but not so with Helen. The fight occurred in front of her house and she rushed out and with a clothes line doubled up like a cat-o-nine tails applied it with such vigor that Lucas was glad to let his man escape. Interpreter Hayman was summoned and soon had the “bad man” in the hands of the officers. Judge McCutcheon gave the offender fifteen days in the county Bastille for disturbing the peace.”

Week ending September 26, 1907: “Iron Hand Reaches Duck Lake. That the enforcement of the law particularly the liquor law is to be a general thing in this county and not like a rash which breaks out in pots, is proven by the recent arrests made...and now Duck Lake has been visited and papers served on Bill Leonard, “The fisherman’s friend.” Bill runs a curiosity shop at the north end of the lake, and sells a great variety of things. He is charged by the sheriff of even selling a variety of drink which has all the earmarks of good whisky. Bill stoutly denies this however, and is chagrined that the county officers should accuse him of selling booze.”

“Clune Lake of Marengo and Mable Lincoln, of Rice Creek, were united in marriage Wednesday, September 11 by Rev. H. Walker. The newly wedded couple will reside in Marengo village.”

City Council minutes: “Communications. One from the Albion Gas Co. asking permission to construct a private sewer from their works on Eaton St. to the Kalamazoo River.” “On motion of Alderman Burnett, the Marshal was instructed to clean the black ditch thoroughly and fix the tile at Erie St. if necessary.”


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