Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.
Morning Star, June 1, 2008, pg. 5 We continue with our theme of “Albion--100 Years Ago.” Week ending June 4, 1908. “Joseph Ruff of Eckford has received a card announcing the death of William H. Ford at Minneapolis, MN, May 18. Mr. Ruff and Mr. Ford were comrades together during the Civil War in Company D of the 12th Reg. Michigan Infantry. Mr. Ford is well known in Albion and vicinity having lived here for a number of years. He was one of the charter members of the Albion GAR post.” “The Wade Hospital will move soon from the Blakeley house on Center St. to the Banks property on E. Erie St. This will give a ground floor and much more room for the hospital than the present quarters.” “The two Russians who were arrested on a charge of disregarding our marriage laws, appeared in Justice McCutcheon’s court Saturday and were dismissed after paying the costs. The couple had complied with our laws since the arrest and were properly married Thursday by a minister in Marshall.” “The case of Mayor Daniel M. McAuliffe of Albion, accused of using indecent language on an interurban car, and which was to have been tried in Justice Bidwell’s court today, was again adjourned.” “Gypsy Tribe Visits Albion. Fifteen wagons containing an assortment of all ages and colors struck the city about 11 o’clock Tuesday and the ten or a dozen bread winners of the party poured out of the wagons to do Superior St. Deputy Sheriff Mallory stopped this gang of fair maidens and informed them that the business street could not be worked. At Battle Creek this same outfit was arrested on a charge of petty thieving and given until 9 o’clock to get out of the county.” Week ending June 11, 1908. “Driver Holtz, on the first ward Eastmam delivery wagon, was badly bitten by a bull dog owned by Motorman Stoddard, this forenoon. The dog grabbed hold of Holtz’s cheek and cut several gashes. Just what will be done with his dogship is not determined. Holtz was given medical treatment at once.” “Mrs. Romans, who lives west of the city has been visiting at the home of Mrs. Calvin Abbott. She is an invalid and Wednesday decided to go to Lansing. As she was being taken to the station on a cab owned by Archie Mount, one of the horses fell dead. The horse has served many years and it died as most of us hope to die, with ‘the harness on.’” “Messrs. A.M. Wall and F.O. Ellison who have leased the Commercial Hotel are experienced hotel men and expect to vie Albion a first hotel. They expect to make a specialty of their cafe and will conduct the dining room on the European plan.” Week ending June 25, 1908: “The Misses Maizie and Georgia Goodenow will entertain with a weekend party at the Goodenow cottage at Gull Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Church will be the guest of honor.” “Next Friday night, Mr. Ketner, who was the Albion delegate to the National convention of the Barraca boys, at Cincinnati, will give a report of the convention at the Baptist Church.” Next 100 Years Ago Article: July 1908 Read more Albion 100 Years Ago articles All text copyright, 2025 © all rights reserved Frank Passic