Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Albion 100 Years Ago - November 1910

Morning Star, November 7, 2010, pg. 6

The new retainer wall along the Kalamazoo River by the gas company property sure looks great! Now Albion should replace the entire wall through town to match it. As we approach the Christmas season, please think about giving a copy of one of my Albion history books, "Albion in Review," or "Growing Up in Albion" as a Christmas gift. They are available at the Albion Chamber of Commerce located next to Citizens Bank, or at Books and More.

We continue with our theme of "Albion, 100 Years Ago." Week ending November 3, 1910: "Residents on W. Erie are complaining of a general spirit of vandalism on the part of the younger generation in that neighborhood. The children who are committing these petty thefts are old enough to know the right and the wrong and should be taken in charge. Perhaps a good thick paddle would suffice more than lecturing at the present time."

"New Postmaster Started Tuesday. Postmaster Irwin has been closing up the accounts, ready for a transfer to the hands of Dr. A. D. Bangham, who took his office officially, beginning with Tuesday morning. Mr. Frank L. Irwin, the retiring head of the local office, took up his duties as postmaster in this city in January 1898, he having held the position for thirteen years, lacking but two months."

"L.E. Haight, who lives south of the city, fell down the stairs in his barn Monday afternoon and received a rather severe scalp wound. He was brought to this city in his son’s automobile, receiving medical attention. He is reported as doing nicely this morning."

"Albion Factories Show Prosperity. Deputy State Factory Inspector Greusel, after a thorough examination of all of Albion’s public buildings, has pronounced them to be in good condition and commends the city upon its thriftiness in general. "There were twenty-eight in Albion when I made the inspection in 1908, " said Mr. Gruesel, but now your city has 36 factories in all, or a growth of 8 in two years. The stores all comply with the 54-hour law for the employment of women and the hotels are as good as the average found in the state."

Week ending November 17, 1913. "Louise Klimkiewicz swore out a warrant before Justice Watson this morning for Frank Berliak and a man whose first name is Sam, but whose family name was of such huge proportions that even the residents of the foreign section failed to remember it. The men left for Detroit yesterday leaving a board bill at the Klimkiewicz boarding house on Albion St."

"The funeral of Mrs. Carrie Fisher, who passed away in Lansing, was held from the home of her brother, Mr. Frank L. Irwin on S. Superior St. Wednesday morning. Her father, Samuel V. Irwin, was one of Albion’s foremost citizens of the early day and established the Albion National Bank. Shortly after attending Albion College for several years, the marriage to Mr. B. G. Fisher took place in 1875. Mr. Fisher was at that time manager of the Albion Milling Company. Mr. Irwin is now the last surviving member of the Irwin family which has taken such a prominent part in the upbuilding of this city for the past half century."

"Clarence W. Sellers of Battle Creek who runs the pony farm in Convis Twp. has engaged in another industry. He now purposes to raise muskrats, and for this purpose has fenced in a pond with a close meshed fence and placed 100 muskrats in the enclosure."


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