Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Albion 100 Years Ago - SEPTEMBER 1916

Morning Star, August 28, 2016, pg. 4

The building housing the Michigan Secretary of State office in downtown Albion at 308 S. Superior St. is 100 years old this month. It was originally erected as Herbert M. Brown’s grocery store. He was the father of noted historian Henry D. Brown (1911-1970). From our Historical Notebook this week we present a photograph of the "Brown Building" as it appears today.

Secretary of State Offices in Albion on Aug 7, 2016

We continue with our theme of "Albion—100 Years Ago." Week ending September 7, 1916: "Large Enrollment in City Schools. 1360 Pupils Have entered School. As evidence of Albion’s growth in the past year is the large school enrollment, which caused the school board in its meeting at the high school Wednesday evening, to make extra provisions for the large number of pupils who have entered. It has been found necessary to order several new seats which will be placed in all the available space in the different rooms. On account of the large number of beginners at the South and East Ward schools, another teacher will be hired and a room rented to take care of the overflow of pupils. At the present time the enrollment in all the schools of Albon is the largest in the history of the city."

"Although much city work is virtually at a standstill because of the lack of an executive head in the person of a city manager, the city council has not yet taken any definite action toward choosing the successor to Roland Remley, the matter being left undiscussed at last evening’s meeting of the city governing body."

"The new Catholic parsonage east of the church on E. Cass St. is rapidly nearing completion and will make a splendid residence for the priest of the local parish, Fr. John Crowe."

"The $50,000 bonds for the erection of the Dalrymple School have been sold by the school board to the Harris Trust and Savings Bank of Chicago. This bank made the highest bid, paying a premium of $1,347.50."

"Dr. J. L. Ramsdell, aged 63 years, one of this city’s oldest and most respected medical practitioners, passed away Saturday afternoon at 3 o’clock."

Week ending September 14, 1916. "Contractor Fred W. Schumacher has been at work for the past five weeks on the construction of the new $50,000 Dalrymple School building just west of the intersection of Ash and Ann Sts. And people who have visited the site say that much has been accomplished. A great deal of filling will be necessary to form the grounds surrounding the building. The land on which the building is being built is low and before the Black Ditch was put through that section was of a marshy character."

"Opening of Herbert M. Brown’s New Store. H.M. Brown, who held open house at his new store Friday, was congratulated by a host of friends and patrons upon the delightful appearance of his new place of business." "Council News. Anthony Osmun, one of the local milk dealers, made a plea before the council for an ordinance requiring all milk dealers in Albion to sell none other than milk from tuberculin-tested cows. He said that the farmers were willing to have their cows tested but not until the council passed the ordinance."

"R. J. Mandl of the Callahan-Mandl Company of Chicago who is erecting the new post office, is in the city for a day or two, in connection with the local building job."

"Truman Howe, who left Albion when he enlisted in the 9th Michigan Cavalry for the Civil War, arrived in Albion today from his home in Sacramento Valley, College City, California, and inquired at the Recorder office about old friends."

Week ending September 21, 1916: "New Fire Truck in Commission. By the action of the city council last evening in accepting the American LaFrance combination chemical and fire automobile truck, this city today started a new era, as far as fire protection is concerned."

"More laurels came to Farley Brothers, South Albion fruit growers through their apple exhibits at the State Fair. They made by far the best showing of any other Michigan apple growers."

"Roland Remley Friday morning returned to his old job as superintendent of the post office job for the Callahan-Mandl Company and August Behling, who has had the position since February, has gone to Milwaukee, Wisconsin."

Week ending September 28, 1916: "Clyde J. Randall has sold out his interest in the Marquis and Randall pool room and lunch place to his partner, Joseph Marquis, and the latter will operate the establishment alone in the future, it was announced today."

"It was stated at the city engine house Tuesday that the siren on the new auto truck will not be used in the future except when the machine is on the way to a fire. It will never be used when the department is returning from a fire, nor when the truck is taken out for other purposes than to make a regular fire run."


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