Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.
Morning Star, April 2, 2017, pg. 11 We continue with our theme of "Albion 100 Years Ago." April 2, 1917. "John Mueller and Joe Lunisiki were arrested in the foreign settlement Sunday by Deputy Sheriff G. U. McCarty on charges of being drunk and disorderly." "The wife desertion case against Roy Dehetre, who was brought back to Albion from Detroit…was settled in Justice Watson’s court Saturday afternoon when the defendant agreed to give his wife $5 per week until she secures a divorce." April 3, 1917: "William Nass has resigned his position as clerk of Mounteer’s and Don Edwards who has been working in the bake shop for the past seven years, has taken up his duties in the store." "Dr. Samuel Dickie returned this morning from Iron County, where he spent several days campaigning for the drys in a county local option campaign." April 7, 1917: "An important business change was announced today in the purchase of the Bean Drugstore 119 N. Superior St. by Charles W. Roberts. Since the death of Josiah D. Bean a few weeks ago, the store has been operated by his son, Warren J. Bean. Mr. Roberts has been connected with the drug business for the past ten years, most of which have been spent in this city which has been his home since boyhood." "Carbolic Acid Fatal to Baby. A bottle of carbolic acid carelessly placed upon a windowsill caused the death of Russell Harold Knisely, the two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. William Knisely at the Knisely home, 315 Austin Avenue at 4:30 Friday afternoon." April 13, 1917. "At the annual meeting of the P. K.S. Coal Company, better known here as the Calhoun County Coal Mining Company held in Lansing last night, it was decided to change the name of the company to the Albion Coal Company. It is this concern which has been operating the coal mine four miles north of this city. It was decided to rent offices here in Albion and it is expected that they will be located in the Dickie Block over Wochholz & Gress’ grocery store." April 16, 1917: "Two cases of contagious diseases at the Central School discovered Friday, cause Health Officer A. T. Hafford to completely fumigate the building Saturday and even with this precaution an epidemic is liable to follow owing to the number of exposures." April 17, 1917: "Officers Raid Two Places for Liquor. Local officers raided two places in the downtown section last night and as a result warrants will be issued late today it is expected for two men, who it is alleged, have been violating the local option regulations." April 18, 1917: "Mystery over Buried Babe. Mystery surrounds the disinterring this morning of a newly born male baby in a vacant lot in the northern end of Chauncey St. There were bruises on the body…It was perfectly formed, but it was difficult to tell whether or not it was dead at the time of birth." "The new Chinese laundry on W. Cass St., in the store formerly used by James Nome as a barbershop, will be opened within the next few days. The proprietor, who was accustomed to visit the owner of the former Chinese laundry in the same neighborhood and is therefore known here to some extent, is awaiting the arrival of his ironing apparatus before opening up the place. Mr. Nome expects to secure a new location for his barbershop May 1." April 21, 1917: "Red Cross Branch Formed in Albion. A large number of women and four men, gathered at the W.C.T.U. building Friday afternoon for the mass meeting in the interests of the Red Cross, and before final adjournment was taken a formal organization of an Albion Branch of the Calhoun County Chapter of the American Red Cross Association." April 24, 1917: "The Albion College faculty, in a meeting held Monday evening, voted to discontinue for the present semester, all intercollegiate athletic contests. This action paves the way for more intensive military training at the College, and brings it in line with many of the other institutions of the country." "The Albion Coal Company’s mine north of the city was started up again Monday afternoon following a shutdown of a few days while a new boiler was being installed and other improvements were being made. The company expects to have an output of at least two cars of coal daily from now on and has orders for thousands of tons ahead of them." The Michigan soldier’s home in Grand Rapids recently used a car of Albion coal." April 28, 1917: "A very pleasant wedding occurred Wednesday noon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Cuatt east of the city, when their daughter, Miss Clara, was united in marriage to Mr. Charles Reichow, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reichow south of Albion." Next 100 Years Ago article: MAY 2017 Next week: NESBITT DRUG STORE OPERATED HERE DURING THE 1930s All text copyright, 2024 © all rights reserved Frank Passic