Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.
Morning Star, May 7, 2017, pg. 6 We continue with our theme of "Albion, 100 Years Ago." May 2, 1917: "The Albion College faculty, in a meeting held Wednesday, took action which makes it possible for any juniors and seniors enrolled in the college to get full credit for the semester’s work, in case they leave college now to enlist in any service connected with the War." May 4, 1917: "Free garden seeds, furnished by the National Emergency Garden Association, will be distributed at the farmers’ room at the rear of the Commercial & Savings Bank building Saturday evening." "Eight Albion boys have already been accepted for service in the state mounted police and several more went to Lansing today to make application. Those accepted to date include Russell Boyd, Harold Wochholz, Robert Robinson Jr, C. A. Brown, Ellery Oakes, Clarence Sparling, and Stanley and Richard Hunter." May 7, 1917: Stolen Pig Found Buried in Cellar. A few nights ago a freshly killed pig’s carcass, worth about $40, was stolen from Talmage and Bauer’s slaughter-house. Saturday afternoon Deputy Sheriff G. U. McCarty and Chief of Police Fred J. Hubbard dug up half of the stolen porker in the cellar of William Wolcott on Adams St, and Mr. Wolcott and Claude Rumsey were arraigned before Justice Watson Saturday afternoon on a larceny charge and pleaded guilty, paying $30 in fines and costs each that they might keep out of jail." May 11, 1917: "William J. Porr left this afternoon for Los Angeles where he will make his home in the future with Mrs. Porr and his daughter coming back to Albion only at intervals to look after his interests here." May 15, 1917: "Skeleton Dug Up West of Albion. Willis Hadden, a farmer living three miles north of Clough View [Note: 24 Mile Road north of Michigan Avenue] west of the city, was plowing in a field on is farm yesterday afternoon when his plow unearthed a human skeleton…The most plausible theory however, is that it was an Indian." "A marriage license was issued Monday to John Geyer, age 25, and Minnie Schumacher, age 26, both of Albion." "The Michigan Central Railroad company has started to raise its tracks five or six inches throughout the entire city, and the new grade has been established from the city limits as far west as Huron St." May 24, 1917: "Dozen Boys Were Stealing Copper. Officers yesterday afternoon and evening rounded up a gang of a dozen boys living in the northwest section of the city, who, it is alleged, have been making a regular practice of stealing quantities of copper wire from the Michigan Railway car shops." May 28, 1917: "W. F. Head has been chosen to succeed Principal Eugene Riker of the high school, who has resigned to take a teaching and coaching position in Bay City. Mr. Head, who is married and a graduate of the University of Michigan, comes here from Ann Arbor where he has been a teacher in the Ann Arbor High School." May 29, 1917: "Kostick Shewchik, against whom a complaint was made by Paul Baisuk for assault and battery pleaded guilty before Justice Watson this morning and paid a fine of $3 and costs. "The city is making the experiment of sprinkling calcium chloride crystals on E. Cass St. from Superior to the White Mill, to ascertain its value as a dust preventative." "K.D. Davis is just finishing up the taking of the school census." May 31, 1917: M.C. Puts One Over on City Officials. Efforts of the city authorities to prevent the Michigan Central Railroad from raising its tracks from 5 to 6 inches above their former level within the city limits, have evidently been frustrated. The railroad people put one over on the municipal officials be elevating the rails across at least four streets, taking advantage of the Memorial Day holiday." "Abe Salem was arraigned before Justice Watson today, charged with the larceny of three dollars from a fellow Assyrian, Abe Mustafa, and he pleaded not guilty. Salem is the man who under the name of Dimos, a few weeks ago was urging the Greeks in Albion and other cities to enlist in the army." Next 100 Years Ago article: June 1917 Next week: DR. WILLOUGHBY O’DONOUGHUE All text copyright, 2024 © all rights reserved Frank Passic