Historical Albion Michigan
By Frank Passic

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Albion 100 Years Ago - FEBRUARY 1919

Morning Star, February 3, 2019, pg. 6

We continue with our theme of "Albion, 100 Years Ago." February 3, 1919. "A settlement has been made in the contest in the probate court in the estate of the late Delia Hayes Killian of Albion, prominent club woman and Christian Science exponent."

February 4, 1919. "Local Plant Wants One Hundred Girls. F. I. Ginsburg, president of the Marshall Mattress Spring Co., which concern recently took over the National Spring & Wire co., was in Albion last week, looking into the labor situation. While here he met with the Chamber of Commerce and told its members that if he could get the necessary help, he could turn out $5 million worth of business a year from the local plant and the additions the company would build."

February 5, 1919. "The American colored problem and the Americanization of the Polish people will be discussed by Mrs. Daisy Buckley and Miss Volaschok, practical experts, Thursday evening at the Methodist Church."

"Slyvin Barr, 15-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Barr, junk dealers, 202 E. Porter St., who disappeared from her home here Monday afternoon, was picked up this morning by the Detroit police."

February 7, 1919. "The petition of the Albion Farmers'Elevator for a bridge connecting E. Cass St. with the elevator property, using the alley back of the Superior St. stores, has been referred to the city manager for investigation."

February 10, 1919. "The funeral of Rev. Andrew Leggett, colored, whose death occurred Saturday after a four day's illness of pneumonia at his home, Chauncey St., was held Sunday afternoon at the A.M.E. church on W. Cass St. Rev. Daniel Harris, pastor of the colored Baptist church, officiated. The services were under the auspices of the colored Masonic lodge of Battle creek, of which the deceased was a member. Burial was made in Riverside. The deceased was pastor of the Zion Methodist Church of Austin Ave., and was largely responsible for the erection of the new church which is now nearly finished. He was born in Peach Tree, Alabama, 50 years ago and spent 25 years in the ministry."

February 17, 1919. "Harry Hendricks, charged with violation of the liquor law, had his hearing before Justice Walter M. Watson Saturday and was bound over to the circuit court for trial at the March term. The police recently raided his home on Austin Ave, getting a quantity of wine and hard cider."

"Sam Vitale, proprietor of the Rapid Shoe Shop, has changed his location to the store situated two doors west of the Postal office on W. Porter. St. Mr. Vitale came to Albion from Hillsdale in July."

February 19, 1919. "Permission has been received from the New York Central railroad to use the former Lake Shore depot for a place of recreation for the young men of the city. The only restriction is that boys under 14 years of age will not be allowed to use the building. The old baggage room will be used for basketball, the ladies'waiting room for a reading room, and the men's waiting room for a game room."

February 20, 1919. "Homer's new union depot is now nearing completion and is to be put into use about March 1. The railroad powers that be evidently figure that as the depot is located so far from the business section, the traveling public will seek accommodations via auto, the size of the depot making it impossible to accommodate as many as even the old Air Line depot which has a seating capacity for 24, while the new one has a capacity of 19 with considerable crowding possible. Some depot."

February 26, 1919. "City Hospital Gets Liquor. As the result of an order secured yesterday by Prosecutor Adrian F. Cooper from Judge North, the Albion City Hospital last evening received…three suitcases full of whiskey, rum and wine. This supply of liquor is all the booze from all the cases which have been disposed of by the courts."

February 28, 1919. "The biggest Zulus Jazz band dancing party of the season will take place at the Eagle Temple Wednesday evening, March 5."


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