Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.
Morning Star, May 3, 2020, pg. 6 We continue with our theme of "Albion, 100 Years Ago." May 1, 1920. "Potato Club Organized by Hayes Workers. What is known as the Hub Potato Club has been formed by employees of the hub plant of the Hayes Wheel Company. The new organization has 20 members to start with, which will combat the high cost of living by growing potatoes this season." May 4, 1920. "Frank Bennett, colored, of Albion paid a fine of $200 in circuit court…and entered a plea of guilty to a charge of running a gambling house. He was arrested with 10 other men on March 21 by the sheriff’s forces." May 5, 1920. "W. A. Coombs is having the machinery in the Marengo Mill removed, and junked. It is reported that the water power has been offered to the city of Marshall and also to Albion parties. There is an 8-foot head of water at Marengo for power purposes." May 6, 1920. "Routine Business Only is Done by City Councilmen." May 7, 1920. "It was stated today by John K. Knapp, secretary of the B. S. K. Coal Mining Company, that the Albion mine is practically the only one in the entire state if not the only one now operating, strikes by the miners having caused the others to close down." "Mrs. Ross Bramble returned to her home on Burr Oak St. today after having been in Nichols hospital in Battle Creek where she underwent an operation for removal of goiter four weeks ago." "William Alonzo, 15-year old mulatto boy of Albion, was found near the Junction at Jackson Thursday night by Michigan Central detectives and turned over to the police. The boy admitted he had run away from his home to find work in Jackson because he liked Jackson better." "An old barn which stood in the rear of the Eslow premises, corner of S. Eaton and W. Erie Sts., was demolished yesterday, and the heavy timbers in its frame will be utilized in other buildings." May 8, 1920. "City Makes a Census Gain of 43.2 Percent. The Michigan Census Bureau advises the population of Albion is at 8,354. This is an increase of 2,521." May 13, 1920. "More Bolshevist Literature Passed. More Bolshevistic propaganda was passed around Albion some time last night, in the shape of circulars signed United Anarchistic Communists. The stuff was printed in the Russian language and was evidently intended to stir up the local workmen of that and kindred nationalities." May 20, 1920. "A youngster at the Dalrymple School yesterday tried the experiment of hitting a revolver cartridge with a stone on cement walk, the bullet striking him on the cheek. The boy was taken to the city hospital for treatment." "George McKinney, son of David McKinney and one of the Recorder newsboys, is carrying around a badly bruised face which was caused when he struck a curb with his bicycle and was thrown to the ground." "Another large party of gypsies, traveling in four automobiles, two being trucks, visited Albion yesterday. They were quietly invited to leave town by Deputy Sheriff McCarty however, and made a hasty exit elsewhere." May 21, 1920. "Local officers are in a quandary as to what to do with Billy Stamper, 14-year-old colored lad who has made much trouble for the authorities for several months, his latest escapade, which was perpetrated last night, being to set fires in three different places in the downtown district…Billy was placed in the city jail for safe-keeping and to the amazement of the officers they found that his incendiary ambitions had been extended to include the old water works on Cass St., in part of which structure the jail is located, for a fire had been built on a bench in the building….Upon being questioned, Billy is said to have boasted that he had set fires similar to these in the South, before his parents brought him to Albion. His parents, who are evidently respectable colored people, have been unable to do anything with the boy, who is mentally unbalanced." All text copyright, 2025 © all rights reserved Frank Passic