Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.
Morning Star, August 2, 2020 pg. 3 We continue with our theme of "Albion, 100 Years Ago." August 2, 1920: "Today is Emancipation Day and a large number of local colored people went to the two cities in the state where celebrations were being held: Flint and Battle Creek. The celebration in the latter city was at Goguac Lake." "George and Dielson Bogue, cousins of Mrs. Minard Farley, are spending a week at the Farley home south of the city. These young men are residents of Burlingame, California." August 3, 1920. "Troop 3, Boy Scouts, will meet Wednesday night at 7 o’clock in the Baptist Church. All members urged to be present whether they are going to camp or not." "At a recent board meeting it was decided to discontinue the use of the South Ward School during the coming year." August 6, 1920. "The old Mallory house on Austin Avenue, now occupied by foreigners, was raided today by city officers armed with a search warrant for the purpose of attempting to find a liquor still." August 9, 1920. "The Recorder evidently started something by its mention Saturday night of the alleged unsanitary condition of the men’s toilet at the Interurban station." "Fred Avery, the S. Superior St. dry-cleaner, is having built a fine new cleaning shop at the rear of his present place." August 10, 1920: "William J. Kearney of Jackson was in the city today completing arrangements for locating here for the practice of law." "The condition of Tom Sanders, shot through the abdomen in Sunday’s affair on Culver St., was reported to be better at the city hospital today." August 11, 1920: "The death of the oldest colored resident in this vicinity occurred Wednesday night when Jacob Williams passed away at his farm home 7 miles east of the city. "Following an illness of a number of months, Henry Van Atta, one of Albion’s old residents, passed away at the Van Atta hotel this morning at 11 o’clock." August 12, 1920. "Mrs. Tishie Jones paid a fine of $5 and costs in Justice Wright’s court this morning after pleading guilty to assault and battery. The complainant was Mrs. Myrtle Johnson, who claimed Mrs. Jones hit her over the head yesterday afternoon on W. Porter St. Both women are colored." "Work on the bridge which the city will construct from E. Cass St. to connect up the new alley at the rear of the Superior St. stores from the rear of the Commercial bank building to the north was started today. Perry Sharp will be in charge of the work for the city." August 13, 1920. Colored Women Organize Unit of New League. One of the most enthusiastic meetings of the political campaign thus far was held yesterday at the Bethel Baptist Church when a unit of the League of Women Voters was organized among the colored women of the city. Mrs. C. A. French, president of the Albion unit which was organized last week, presided. The meeting elected Mrs. Lena Cable as president of the unit. Mrs. S. J. Brown was elected secretary…Mrs. Cable then asked for others to make remarks…among them being: Mrs. Craig, Mrs. Stevens, Mrs. McNair, Mrs. Thomas and others." "Paul Corliss, who was here to attend the funeral of Elmer Sturdevant, returned to work with the Cadillac Motor Co. at Detroit last evening." August 23, 1920. "Seth Hyney Dies After a Long Illness. Mr. Hyney has been an Albion resident the past 40 years. He was assistant cashier of the Albion National Bank, and later for five years cashier of the Albion State Bank. "George W. Perkins Dies Suddenly at Home Here. He was engaged in the coal and wood business for 25 years, and for 20 years was also the Albion Agent for the Standard Oil Company." August 26, 1920. "Capt. Fawcett, in charge of an airplane fleet of the Heddon Co. Dowagiac, will fly here from Union City Saturday, and will take up passengers Saturday afternoon and Sunday from Mack field, Irwin Avenue." August 28, 1920. Teacher assignments in the Albion Public Schools: "West Ward School: R.H. Cable, Principal, 5th and 6th grades. Lena Cable, 4th grade. Fannie Williams, 2nd and 3rd grades. Bernice Kersey, First grade. East Ward School: Kate Koons, 2nd and 3rd grades. Ella Jacobs, 1st grade." August 30, 1920. "Baptists Send Missionaries to Russia. An impressive and historic ordination service took place at the local Baptist Church Thursday evening when Rev. Walter Craighead was ordained by a council composed of delegates from nine Baptists churches of the Jackson Baptist Association. Miss Hazel Thomson was also publicly set apart to missionary service in Russia. The Albion Baptist Church is the first Baptist church in America to undertake to support two American missionaries in Russia." All text copyright, 2025 © all rights reserved Frank Passic