Any photos not otherwise credited are from the personal collection of Frank Passic, Albion Historian.
Morning Star, January 3, 2021, pg. 6 We continue with our theme of "Albion, 100 Years Ago." January 3, 1921: "The Roberts pharmacy on N. Superior St. [119] was closed this morning by Deputy Sheriff George U. McCarty, following the serving of two executions secured by two wholesale drug companies. Just what disposition will be made of the business has not been announced." January 5, 1921: "The remains of Harvey H. Wendorf, Albion boy who died while in the U.S. Army service in France during the War, were scheduled to arrive in the city this afternoon and the funeral, to be held Friday under the direction of Patrick Leo Hanlon Post of the American Legion will do full military honor to the deceased soldier." January 6, 1921. "First Meeting of New Council Is Very Quiet. The initial meeting of the new city council, which was held last evening in the city offices, was a very quiet one, nothing of unusual interest except the choosing of appointive officials for the new year being done." January 7, 1921. "Peter Kedo, Russian molder living at House No. 25 in the Foreign Colony, fired a bullet through his brain late yesterday in an attempt at suicide and is in the city hospital with two holes in his skull and minus a quantity of brain matter, but the physicians say that if complications do not set in, he has a good chance for his life. Pete, who was on a spree, probably getting ready for the Russian Christmas celebration which started today, had an altercation with his wife at their home yesterday." Obituary. "Ezra Cornell Robertson was born on the Robertson farm three miles west of this city to which is parents, Hiram and Mary (Cornell) Robertson, had come from New York State…In his youth Mr. Robertson attended Albion College and later went to Cornell University at Ithaca, New York, the school founded by his uncle, Ezra Cornell, whose honored name he bore." January 10, 1921: "The stock of the Martinoff Brothers’ grocery on Albion St, which store has been the scene of two unsolved crimes: a murder and an incendiary fire, will be sold at public venue February 10." January 12, 1921: "Pete Kedo, local Russian molder died at the city hospital last night at 11 o’clock as the result of a self-inflicted bullet wound in his skull." January 15, 1921: "Mark Lambson died at 5 o’clock Friday morning at the county home where he has been since March 1, 1907. Mr. Lambson spent his entire early life in this city. He was the son of Ira Lambson, who for many years operated a livery stable on the site of the present Thompson garage [NOTE, 2021 site of Albion Malleable Brewing Company on S. Superior St]. January 17, 1921: "The old boilers formerly used at the E. Cass St. water works have been taken out, under the direction of City Manager Mallory. The floor in the boiler-room has been cemented and the room will be used for storage and other purposes." January 21, 1921: "Frank J. Graves has announced his retirement from the shoe business. He has been in the business here ten years. After the failure of the Albion National Bank, he bought the former bank building, changed over the interior and established his store there. He will retire to private life." "A party of 30 members of the Patrick Leo Hanlon Post of the American Legion went to Springport last evening and helped the ex-service men of that village to organize a post to be known as the Paul Steffe Post, named after a young man from that town who lost his life in the service during the late War." January 24, 1921: "A rumpus occurred early Sunday morning at the residence of Mike Dubina just off Austin Ave near Albion St., when a foreigner entered the place, broke a door off its hinges, smashed a window light and attempted to throw one of the boarders out of the house." "The much-discussed possibility of the W.C.T.U. building on E. Erie St. being sold and being made to serve as a recreational and community center is about to become a certainty…The price was set at $12,000." January 29, 1921: Headline: "Fire Destroys Farm Buildings South of City. Barns on Former Will Porr Farm SW of Here Destroyed by the Blaze Which Was Set by Son of William Duttlinger, Present Owner of the Place. One of the 4-year-old twin sons of William Duttlinger started a bonfire beneath a hay-chute in his father’s barn yesterday afternoon."
All text copyright, 2025 © all rights reserved Frank Passic